32) A sea away (last chapter)

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Killua's P.O.V

I grab Gon's hands and hoist him up, our gazes meeting briefly before I quickly avert my eyes. The pain from Oliver's attack lingers, making me wince, but I push through. My face still flushed, I try and take the events that just took place off my mind.

As the footsteps draw nearer, the urgency intensifies. We know we can't afford to be caught. Gon and I cling to each other's hands, our fingers intertwined tightly as we venture deeper into the dark recesses of the cave.

Every step I take sends a jolt of pain through my body, a constant reminder of the brutal attack I endured. I grit my teeth, determined not to let the agony slow me down. The adrenaline coursing through my veins fuels my determination, propelling me forward despite the throbbing ache.

Gon's presence beside me is a source of strength.

Suddenly, Gon's sharp eyes catch sight of something amidst the darkness. He tugs on my hand, guiding me towards a narrow crevice in the rock. Without hesitation, we squeeze ourselves through the tight opening, the rough edges scraping against our skin.

The space beyond the crevice opens up, revealing a tunnel bathed in a soft, ethereal light. It's as if a glimmer of hope has illuminated our path, guiding us towards safety. We exchange a glance, our eyes shining with a mix of relief and anticipation.

With renewed determination, we press on. The air grows fresher with each passing step, a sign that we're getting closer to our escape.

Finally, we reach the end of the tunnel, emerging into a breathtaking sight. We find ourselves standing on a cliff overlooking a vast expanse of sparkling ocean. The night sky above us is bright and sparkling.

For a brief moment, it feels like we're in heaven.

After taking in the beautiful scenery, my gaze finds its way back to Gon, who is staring intently out at the horizon. My heart skips a beat as he continues to look out at the sea. There's a peaceful look on his face, his brown eyes filled with wonder and love.

We don't waste another second and start heading back to my home. This will be the first time Gon meets my family. As we walk, I can't help but steal glances at Gon, my heart swelling with a mix of excitement and nervousness.

"Thank you for coming back to me," I say, my voice barely above a whisper.

Gon's smile lights up his face, his eyes shining with affection. "I just couldn't wait any longer, Killua. I missed you."

His words send a surge of warmth through me, melting away any lingering doubts or fears. I take his hand in mine, our fingers intertwining, and squeeze it gently. "I missed you too, Gon. More than you can imagine."

Together, we continue our journey towards my home. The path winds through a lush forest, the scent of earth and wildflowers filling the air.

As we near the outskirts of the town, the familiar sound of laughter and chatter reaches our ears. My heart quickens its pace, knowing that soon Gon will meet my family. They may be a bit eccentric, but I know they'll welcome him with open arms.

We approach a quaint little house nestled among the trees, its walls covered with vibrant flowers. The front porch is adorned with comfortable chairs.

Taking a deep breath, I lead Gon up the front steps. With a sense of anticipation, I push open the front door, and a few sets of eyes lock on us.

Alluka is like a whirlwind, sprinting towards me with a mix of relief and frustration written all over her face. "KILLUA!! WHERE ON EARTH HAVE YOU BEEN?!" she shouts, her voice echoing through the air.

A Sea Away [KilluGon]Unde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum