7) Why

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Killua's p.o.v

Leorio and I argue about stupid things for a while longer but quickly stop our conversation when we see gon's head pop out from where the stairs lead down to the cellar room. When he notices us staring at him he quickly steps up the last few stairs and stands on the deck. Leorio motions for him to come over to us. I was hoping I could avoid him for a while longer...

When he reaches us Leorio starts with some stupid bs. "Welcome aboard the Hunter ship! All of us might not have started off on the best terms but now that we will be together for the next...well however long it takes to get to the island, we should at least try and get along.

"That might me difficult with his anger problems." Gon says nonchalant.

I wanna hit him. But I don't cause I'd just be proving his stupid little statement. "K well at least I'm not a stubborn ass hole who has daddy issues."

Leorio gives up on trying to make things better. Before we know it, we're spitting insults back and forth. His face is only inches away from mine. He grits his teeth and gives me a death stare. I mock his expression.

"This is my ship and you WILL follow my rules just like everyone else on this boat does."

He roles his eyes. "I don't have a problem with that. I just have a problem with you in general. So it's hard to do what you say."

Gon's p.o.v

He grabs me by the shirt and yanks forward but he quickly lets go trying not to calm himself down. He storms off and goes into his cabin, slamming the door behind him.

It's just me and Leorio now. Leorio looks stunned at the whole thing. "You know, I've never once seen anyone talk to him that way. It's kinda a nice change. OH but please don't tell him I said that."

I let out a soft laugh. "Don't worry I won't. Talking to him makes me want to throw myself over board."

Leorio raises an eyebrow.

"I won't actually. I do have a question though. How do you people do what he says and how the heck is he captain and why does he want to go to the island?"

"Definitely more then one question but I can answer. He doesn't treat any of his crew mates badly. He's definitely one of the best captains out there. He's just being..difficult with you since you have pissed him off so many times already."

"I won't believe it till I see it." I mumble.

"Yea yea ok. Anyways, the reason he became a captain at such a young age is also for the same reason he wants to find this island. I don't really think he'd want me to share his reasonings with you therefore if you want to know you'll just have to ask him yourself."

"UGhjghHhj can't you just tell me? I won't ask him." I pout.

Leorio shakes his head. "No can do."

"Hmf fine."

"Oh also, follow me so I can show you where you'll be sleeping. It's where the rest of us sleep. It's not the best since everyone has to sleep in the same room but we do get our own beds."

I nod slowly. He takes me into a room on the opposite side of where Killua's cabin is. Inside there are tons of beds and bunk beds. I follow Leorio through the room until he stops in front of a bed that looks unused. "This one will be yours."

I nod. A sudden thought pops into my head. "Hey I know this is kinda random but you know that green gem necklace that I tried to take?"

He nods.

"Why is it so important to Killua?"

Leorio pauses before speaking. "Ask him yourself."

"That is so un fair!"

He smiles and then starts walking out the door. Some of the other crew mates are watching my every move. I sit down on the bed. It's not all that comfy but it's definitely better then what I had before. I'll definitely need to go back to my house before we set off to get some of my things. Who knows if I'll be coming back or not. I'll probably head out in a little while.

Killua's p.o.v

I flop down face first onto my bed. I let out a loud groan and then turn back over to where I'm laying on my back. I can loose my cool like that any more. He's just trying to get a reaction of of me and I know that. It's just so hard. He knows just what to say to push me over the edge. And that pisses me off. But I won't let him control me.

I grab the green Gem from beside me and hold it up in front of my face. It's a very shiny and clean gem and sparkles in the sunlight. I stare at it for a while until my arms grow tired of holding it up. Looking at this always bring me so much comfort. It clams me down.

This is gonna be a long journey but I'm prepared for anything. I'll do what I have to do to get to that island.

The ship rocks back and forth as the wind starts to pick up. "The storms coming in..."


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