4) Prisoner

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Killua's p.o.v

Luckily for me, this island is pretty small. It consists of a little town with little houses and little beaches. It shouldn't be hard finding that brat with all my men out looking for him. I ball my hands into fists and grit my teeth at the thought of him having my Necklace. That Necklace..is everything to me. I need it back.

I quicken my pace walking along the waters shore. The sand is rocky and would definitely hurt to walk on with no shoes. Tree and seaweed debris is scattered through the beach. It not a very pretty beach...but I guess if my crew and I hadn't stopped here I wouldn't have ever found the journal.

About an hour goes by of still looking. I've made my way away from the beach and more inland. He couldn't have gone far in that short amount of time. He's got to be around here somewhere.

A few small shacks are scattered through the area and I make sure to check each and every one of them. Sweat drips down my forehead and my legs start to hurt from all the running. I wipe my forehead with my hand and continue on. I run into a few teenage girls who are hanging up clean laundry on a clothes line outside. Maybe they know who I'm looking for.

I see my way towards them and when I get close enough they both look up at me. Smiles quickly form on their faces. "Oh my! Who must you be? I've never seen you around before." The girl with long drown hair speaks first.

The other girl butts in. "A traveler maybe?"

I clear my throat. "I'm looking for someone and I want to know if you have an idea of who it might be."

They gaze at me with curious eyes.

"He's about my height, short black hair, brown eyes...likes to steal." I say that last part while rolling my eyes.

They both widen their eyes. "Oh! You must be talking about Gon. Fits his description perfectly. Everyone who lives on the outskirts of the town don't usually have much money so stealing is very common among them. Most people in the town won't hire ones who live out here because it's embarrassing." They both giggle.

"Oh um..we of course don't live out here..we only come out here to work." The other girl with short black hair adds.

"Gon...where can I find him." I demand.

"Probably at his house. That's where he is most of the time. He stays cooped up in there all the time. It wasn't always like that though..it was only until his-"

"I don't care about his life. I just want to know where he is."

They both exchange glances. "He lives about 10 minutes from here. Just walk straight in that direction." One of them says while pointing me in the right direction.

I nod and hurry off.

I hear them whisper to each other as I stroll away.


I see a small run down shack in the distance. There's smoke coming from the chimney. He's definitely there. I smirk to myself.

It's time to give that piece of shit what he deserves. And get some answers.

I make my way up to his house and walk around it until I find the front door. I don't take another second if waiting around. I use my foot to kick open the door with such a strong force that it almost breaks off the hinges. The boy gasps and his eyes flicker over to mine. The moment he realizes who I am, his face goes pale.

I step inside his house and trudge closer to him. I stop a few feet away. "Did you really think it would be that easy to get away from me?"

His confused eyes turn into a glare. "What do you want...you took everything back that I had."

I snicker at this. "Everything? Really?"

I move even closer to him until I'm just inches away from his face. "Empty your pockets." My words slice whatever mood was here before.

He shoves my chest backwards. "I don't take orders from you.." he mumbles.

My eye twitches as I look at him. "Don't blame me for what happens to that cute face of yours." After these words leave my mouth I throw a punch right at his jaw. He stumbles backwards and hits the wall behind him. He's still standing after that..hm.

I can already see the swelling start to form. He should be on the ground begging for my forgiveness right now. But instead, his eyes are still focused on me and that same glare as before doesn't leave his face. "Acting tough will just get you killed. Now just hand my necklace over and I won't hurt you."

His eyes glance over to the door. "Don't even think about i-" I don't even finish talking and he's already sprinting to the door."

I instantly reach out and grab his arm, pulling him back. The force of the pull is so strong that we both roll over onto the floor. He's still struggling to get away. I lift myself over him and slam both his arms to the ground. He winces from the pain. A cut on his hand looks like it re opened so he's bleeding. He's helpless now. He can't move.

I only have to use one hand to hold both of his arms above his head. I use the other to grab the necklace from his pocket. "Let me go." He demands.

"Nope. Your coming back to the ship with me. We've got lots of stuff to discuss."

"Like hell I do!? You have everything you want! What else do you want from me?!" He yells right in my face.

"We'll talk when we get there. But for now, shut up." The boy looks like he's about to say something else but I knock him out with another punch before he can do so. I pick up his limp body and throw him over my shoulder.
Now I have everything that I need.

I leave his house with the door wide open. The walk back to the ship is much faster then before. Maybe because I'm eager to hear about the book.

Once I get back, most of the crew is already on board. Everyone cheers once I arrive back with the boy. I make my way underneath the deck to where we have a single prison cell located. I lay his body down on the floor in the cell and lock it up.

I sit outside the cell in a chair and wait for him to wake up. Thoughts flood my head. I've been waiting for so long to be able to find that island. And now..I find a book with the name of the island written across it. It just doesn't make sense why the boy had such an important book in the first place. How did he end up with it?

Questions after questions flood my mind.

The boys are fighting 😫

Tyyyy for reading!!

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