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First and foremost I would like to say Thank You for choosing my story to read!!! It's my first time writing stories so kindly excuse me for any errors. And it's my greatest privilege to share this epic story with you all

And my sincere gratitude to  Wattpad for giving me this opportunity!!!

I am dedicating this story to all my beloved readers. 

Everything happens for a reason. Even when an atom moves it happens for a reason. Every life, Every curse, Every boon, Every death, Every beginning, and Every end happens for a reason...

THE GREAT INDIAN EPIC: MAHABHARATH is a book written by Lord Ganesh who wrote down down the text to sage Ved Vyasa's dictation. It is the longest poem ever written. This story takes place in Dwapara Yuga ( one of the four yugas in the Yuga Cycle ).

So this story is not fully based on vyasa's text, but I try best to keep it. Here and there I added a little bit of my imaginations ( only as in situations, not in story ). I promise you that I will try my best to keep its originality. 

This story is about the legendary rivalry between Pandavas and Kauravas of the same clan, THE KURU CLAN. As every coin have two sides, the same goes with this story. Most people think that Kauravas are bad and Pandavas are good, but it is not. Good and bad lie in the same person. Whoever we think is bad has an untold story behind them even with Sakuni.

This is going to be a very long story, I will try my best to cover all the sides of our heroes, I hope that I And I welcome all the comments. I hope you will like my story. 

The Great Indian Epic: MAHABHARATHWhere stories live. Discover now