49. "Such cold eyes"

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The sounds of fighting behind you slowly died out as you descended down the stairs of the basement. Though you were afraid for Taehyung, Jimin and the rest of your friends, you forced yourself to nullify those emotions – place them into the back of your mind, as you had been trained. With a deep breath, you guided yourself down the walls, praying that there would be no more of Hongbin's men down here.You didn't know how much more fighting you could take before your body would be too tired to face the man himself.

Of course, the original plan had been way too ideal. Avoiding combat alltogether and simply assassinating Hongbin would have been too easy. You, Jimin and Taehyung had known that it would probably come down to this.

A loud bang was heard close by and you flinched against the stone wall, rapidly pulling out the gun you'd previously taken off a corpse. Then, there was a loud thump and silence. You stuck to your position, your chest heaving in anticipation.

With a few flickers, the light was back on above you and you heard faint crackling in your ear. In shock, you tried tapping the earpiece, but quickly realized that you were in the basement anyways, so it didn't do any good. At least the others in the field would have an advantage again.

The power turning back on allowed you to notice a heavy metal door on the other side of the wall that you hadn't seen before. It had a large sign that read "Warning – high voltage". That must have been where the shots had been fired – and that meant that very likely, one of your group had been in there, most likely to turn the power back on. You knew you should have continued down the stairs, but you simply had to check. See if anyone was still in there.

Cautiously, you pushed the door open, pointing your gun at the room.

You were quick to drop it, though, as you were greeted by a scene of brutality. No one was alive in this room. There were so many of Hongbin's men lying around, the floor was stained with their blood. Only an absolute monster could have killed this many people by themselves. At the front of the room, where the generators were located, lay Sehun, his bloody hand outstretched, clutching the flipped switch that had turned the power back on. His chest wasn't moving, neither were his eyes as they stared down to the ground. Behind him, there was a long trail of blood, indicating that he had crawled to the generator to get the job done – right after singlehandedly killing everyone in the room. You could only imagine the determination he must have had to have dragged himself across the floor to flip that switch.

You felt your eyes beginning to burn at the sight of the redhead's limp body and only muttered the words "I'm sorry" before turning back and shutting the door. You hadn't known the man that well, but he'd sacrificed his life to save yours – for a second time now. You would make sure his death was not in vain – and neither was Namjoon's, or anyone else who would maybe die today.

The rage within you only grew stronger as you made your way down the stairs. Hongbin would pay for this. For all of it.

Soon enough, the stairs ended before another heavy metal door and you knew that you would be at a disadvantage. You would have to blindly open it, without truly knowing what was behind it. Then again, what other choice was there? Taehyung was behind you, fighting off Hongbin's guys and Jimin was... well, you didn't want to think about why you hadn't heard from him in so long.

You had to be brave – stop relying on others to protect you or save you. There was a reason you had been with the guys in Bangtan – you had trained alongside them for years, after all. You took a deep breath, drawing your gun again as you opened the door and were welcomed by darkness. It seemed that the power turning back on hadn't applied to this area.

You were in what seemed like a large warehouse – a huge space that was mainly empty in the middle, but filled with large crates on both sides stretching through the entire length of the huge room. There were no windows whatsoever and you could only tell basic shapes apart with the night-vision lenses. You took the chance to slip to the nearest pile of boxes, disappearing behind them. It was eerily quiet. So quiet, that even your breathing seemed too loud. You wondered if Jimin was here too.

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⏰ Last updated: May 13, 2022 ⏰

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