45. "This feels like a family reunion"

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All you could do was sit in the dark corridor of the dorm. You couldn't rest, neither could you eat or drink.

Everything that had happened was just too much to handle. At one point everything had seemed fine while you and Jimin were abroad... but then all hell broke loose. How could you have been so dumb and let yourself be tracked down so easily?

The fight, the kidnapping, Hongbin, Namjoon's death, Jungkook waking up and Taehyung talking about his feelings to you... It was too much to think about. The silence in the dorm was depressing and the air was sticky. Everyone else seemed to have been resting or just somehow coping with the situation.

You were brought back to reality by a buzzing sound from the room next to you. It must have been the computer.

You walked over and saw there was an anonymous caller. That could either be the boss or maybe... Jimin?

"Hello, Bangtan base here." You gad decided to pick up, since everyone else was busy.


You felt your heart skip several beats. Mostly excitement over hearing his gentle voice again, but also relief overcame you. After all this stress, you could never stop worrying about everyone's safety.
How had he found out which number to call though? He probably had his ways. He always did.

"Jimin", you smiled.

"Did you get back safely? Is everything alright?"

You were forced to recall the bitter tears that were shed over Namjoon's death. It was the first time seeing Jin like that and it had scarred you. But, he was only human too, after all.

"Hey, are you okay?", he asked once more, worried over the sudden silence and the soft sob errupting from your throat.

"I just... it was horrible to see everyone suffering", you explained.
"It was like the day we thought you died all over again."

Jimin was silent for a bit. Faint voices were in the background and you wondered where he was hiding now. Maybe with those guys from Hongbin's hideout, Kai and Sehun?

"I don't know what to say", Jimin muttered.

It was one of those rare moments where he didn't know how to express his feelings anymore. He knew what he felt but he couldn't- or didn't want to say it. It had been obvious that Namjoon's death had changed him, even if he hadn't fully grasped it yet. Some kind of switch had been turned, which nothing else could have triggered, probably not even you, even while trying so hard to bring him back to his senses. Namjoon had done it.

"Say what's on your mind", you told him in a soft voice.

"I don't know it myself just now. We'll talk when we meet, though", he stated, giving you hope.

"And when will we meet?", you questioned.

"As soon as possible to discuss the plan, which is why you guys need to decide if you want to take part in this assassination mission", he said.

"Of course we want-"

"I know you want it, Y/N, but maybe Bangtan has no interest in getting revenge and murdering this man", he clarified.

"I'm definitely coming", you assured him. It would have seemed like Jimin to try and stop you, but he knew well how stubborn you were when it came to things like this.

He avoided the statement by continuing.
"Have a meeting, talk about it and contact me with the number I'll send you shortly. I don't want anyone to listen in."

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