9. "I don't think we can get him back"

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The next days, Jimin was constantly around you, looking at whatever you did and was asking questions.

He was being overly nice all the time, acting like a perfect guy who was willing to do anything for you.
Maybe he was just doing it to make it up for slapping you.

You didn't really know how to ask him about himself, since he always ended up switching the topic.
Bangtan was still tabu for him, causing him to become angry and nervous, but never again violent.

Your progress for the next few days hadn't been very good. He wouldn't let you in at all.

Every evening you talked to Bangtan over the earpiece, causing them to get more nervous the longer you took to fulfill your mission.
You had warned them that it wouldn't be easy, since it was a lot more complicated than you had thought it would be.

"Y/N... time is running out. We can't keep Jimin hushed up forever. The higher ups will find out soon and send an order to get rid of him", Namjoon explained impatiently.
"His gang has been causing us enough trouble."

"I know... just please let me do this, I'll manage", you pleaded, the same way you had been doing for over a week.

"We know you can manage", Hoseok assured you.

Everyone spoke some words of support as well.
Everyone but Taehyung.

You hadn't really talked to him ever since you had left the dorm, which made you sad.
He was one of your best friends after all.

"Right... good night guys", you greeted them and cut off the signal.

Sighing, you threw yourself on the bed. Could the situation be any more complicated?

There was still the danger that Jimin could have attacked Bangtan at any moment since they hadn't moved base yet. You really felt responsible for their safery along with this mission.

But now you felt even more pressured. How were you supposed to get Jimin to tell you anything?


"Night guys, I'm off to bed", Yoongi yawned as soon as the connection had been broken again.

"No you're not. You're just trying to get out of helping us pack stuff", his roommate - Hoseok argued, catching Yoongi in his deed.

His mouth angles just twitched, showing that he had been caught.

"Yoongi-hyung, you can go sleep. We'll take care of everything", Namjoon insisted, knowing that Yoongi was worn out from all the additional training he had been undergoing.

"Uh okay", Yoongi mumbled and then disappeared through the door.

"What's up with you leader? Gone soft, have you?", Taehyung muttered in a more sassy tone than appropriate.

He was obviously angry again after having listened to your conversation with the others, regretting to have agreed on sending you to Jimin.

"Watch it Tae", Hoseok warned, making the younger friend shrug a little.

Namjoon escaped his gaze and went off to his and Jin's room with a big cardboard box for moving without saying a word.
They had finally secured themselves a new base and were in the midst of packing their things, but hadn't told you yet as a safety measure.

"What's wrong with you?", Hoseok asked Taehyung a little nervously, placing a hand on his friend's shoulder.
Hoseok had noticed his awkward behavior ever since you had been gone.

Taehyung shoved off Hoseok's hand and walked off to his and Junkook's room, leaving Hoseok perplexed.

"Weird guy", Hoseok just muttered, grabbing a cardboard box to head off to his and Yoongi's room.

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