My Personal Opinions on JN111

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Note: This will contain spoilers for episode 111 of Pokemon Journeys, which just aired the day this is posted!

Okay, so, where do I start? First of all, I was already hyped ever since this was confirmed on Bulbapedia, and had very, VERY high hopes for it! And well, only one wasn't hit, but the other like, five of them, plus a special thing I like make up for that very much!

So, first, the episode starts with Cerise saying there's a mysterious Pokemon in the Crown Tundra. Now, I actually predicted if anywhere Mohn, CANONICALLY is, it's in the Crown Tundra for the Anime instead of games, if it was in the games way, they wouldn't be gone for over like at least three months! Another thing is that, there's an ULTRA WORMHOLE CANONICALLY IN THE GAMES PEOPLE!!! And I was right, along with our old friend Rowlet...

Anyways, Lillie also is confirmed to have piano abilities surprisingly! And I also had a feeling from a YouTube Speculation video that Mohn would have amnesia, and I went like: "Oh, that actually sounds like an anime thing to do!"

Anyways later on, Mohn actually can't even recognize them, except Lillie's looks for something I'll say later in this chapter! And suddenly during a little "tea party", they hear the same music Lillie played on the boat! They soon start looking for clues as Lusamine tries to convince Mohn about the truth, Lillie goes into this dark room, opens a window that's totally covered in darkness, like ALL of them are! And looks in this drawer, and finds MOHN'S OLD AETHER CLOTHES!!! And also this random mirror that turns out helpful later on!

Suddenly, Lillie's attacked, BY THIS:

Yeah, Shiny Nihilego now exists in the anime, and looks like it's using either Psyshock, or Sludge Bomb to attack Lillie, when she sees it in the reflection and braces for impact, when all of a sudden, her knight in shining armor (Ash Ketchum) and...

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Yeah, Shiny Nihilego now exists in the anime, and looks like it's using either Psyshock, or Sludge Bomb to attack Lillie, when she sees it in the reflection and braces for impact, when all of a sudden, her knight in shining armor (Ash Ketchum) and his Pikachu randomly show up, and Pikachu literally almost hits Shiny Nihilego in the back with Iron Tail (which would hurt, A LOT, considering it's weak to steel and sucks at Physical stuff)! Pikachu lands on the top of the drawer when the Nihilego flies away and Ash jumps through the window, and Lillie's seems very happy to see him after I have no idea how long! Just look: 

Yeah, Shiny Nihilego now exists in the anime, and looks like it's using either Psyshock, or Sludge Bomb to attack Lillie, when she sees it in the reflection and braces for impact, when all of a sudden, her knight in shining armor (Ash Ketchum) and...

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Then Pikachu gives the proper nuzzling to the cheek because, they're super close like Ash and Lillie, you can't change my mind!

Then Pikachu gives the proper nuzzling to the cheek because, they're super close like Ash and Lillie, you can't change my mind!

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