I made a PVZ Story...here's the Prologue!

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I'm going to go over these events for my own story line of Plants vs Zombies because...EA is giving PVZ a bit of a rough time here...

So be warned, it won't feel like a Plants Vs Zombies storyline, but it would play like PVZ GW2, but have parts from PVZ Heroes!

Here goes:

Two months after the events of Heroes, the heroes of Plants fully became a L.E.A.F. Council, while the Zombie heroes became Top Zombies...

However, things weren't going super smooth for a Hero Plant: Solar Flare, she was starting to consider her fire powers more of a curse...because she felt like she was at her peak performance in combat, which was impressive considering she had a baby brother to take care of after her mom (who was a Sunflower Queen) passed from illness...however, despite doing her best, the other Plant Heroes, and the Zombie Heroes were surpassing her brutally, and in her own strengths.

Green Shadow, her best friend, now could use Fiery Peas and other elements besides it, and Solar Flare's didn't work in rain unlike Green Shadow's attacks.

Her healing abilities she thought helped...but, Beta-Carrotina had not only gained it, but it was more helpful, it was ranged to an area, and healed more to all in that area, with Solar Flare only limited to one.

Then, one day, the Leaf Agents and Crazy Dave had a meeting, but left Solar Flare unaware until after a vote...

When Solar Flare walked in, she was worried why everyone looked a bit upset.

Rose started, and telling her that they were discussing her placement on the team, before Chompzilla went ahead and told Solar Flare that they all voted that she should be kicked from the council of LEAF. Solar Flare stuttered why they decided this, before Green Shadow said it was for her own good, Solar Flare begged, saying she'd try harder to keep up with them, but Beta-Carrotina shouted at her and said that the decision was final, as they used a bounce pad to send her outside, she started to head back to get her brother, and when the others were looking for them, Night Cap sighed that she was pathetic for not trying to stand her ground, and that she should just leave the place, Solar Flare felt betrayed, she trusted Night Cap and he's trash talking her, Green Shadow also sighed and admitted he was right, Solar Flare almost cried but kept the tears in as she flew away with her brother to an Island known of Garden Isle.

And that's where I'll wrap up this Prologue, if anyone wants to add onto it, I recommend doing so!

And that's where I'll wrap up this Prologue, if anyone wants to add onto it, I recommend doing so!

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