Why Z-Moves are my favorite Gimmick

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Okay, so, I wanted to talk about the Gimmicks of the Pokemon games Gen 6-8 you know the ones that are one per battle thing?

I really don't like Megas, feel meh about Dynamax, and enjoy Z-Moves!

1 Reason why I feel meh about Dynamax and awful with Megas, is how they start! It activates turn one, and if you get KO'd before you get a turn, you can't use it anymore, and didn't even use it! Z-Moves actually wait for your turn to happen, so if you get KO'd before your turn happens, you still can USE it!

Second, is that it's not fair to most Pokemon.

Most Z-Moves can be used by any Pokemon, there are specifics but not many.

Megas are VERY LIMITED, and the only reason Dynamax is not disliked to me is because while there are more special options, all Pokemon can use it, so it saves it there, but not enough to fully like because of some things)

Lastly, Megas, and to an extent, Dynamax, are broken!

Have you fought this guy who's main purpose is to just sweep with Dynamax Turn 1, then basically be so fast you can't outspeed, and so powerful you can tank a hit or deal much back, Dynamax gives you STAT boosts for some, which is crazy. Megas...I don't even need to explain why MEGAS are mainly broken!!! Z-Moves just give a move a power boost, and also can be blocked mostly if you time it, with Dynamax, you just can't, because you have to have a chance of failing the second one to try and block more!

Yeah...I'm really hoping that the Type Change thing in Terastalizing helps with the first thing each turn stuff!

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