My Shiny Pokemon and Hisui Pokemon.

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My first Shiny Pokemon was a Crawdaunt that I gave to one of my IRL friends.

The second and third one were Alolan Vulpix (Now Ninetales) and Eevee (Now Sylveon) from GO, followed by a Shiny Zeraora from the event in Sword & Shield, (I needed the mobile app).

The next two were Shiny Voltorb last year, and Shiny Zubat (Now Golbat) and and Shiny Paras this year.

In Legends Arceus I got three Shinies: The 100% Ponyta which is now Rapidash, Geodude now a Golem thanks to Link Cables, and Budew yesterday.

At the time of writing this, I have seen 189 Pokemon in Hisui and caught 154 Pokemon, with 41 Pokemon with full entries!

I will add the Pokemon Goomba has from Hisui in the Goomba's Pokemon Journey story.

I did fail a Combee...that was Male, because I didn't hear the Shiny Jingle, and also because I wasn't able to save in the state I got close!

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