Certain Things About Ashlie: Don't Unfuse By Force!

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Okay, so, look, I'm going to talk about MayandKirby, but I don't have a grudge against him, he just made me remember something very important about Ashlie.

See, in their stash they had May, giving Ashlie a black eye, and calling her a twisted heartless person, which, if she even did her research, would realize that would just make almost all my friends, very pissed off! And most likely make almost everyone here report for bullying and hate.

Ashlie is just a mascot for me, not actually supposed to be me, if MayandKirby did research, they could've seen Pokemon Anime me and used that.

Now, the second panel is May holding a defusing card from I don't remember what series, however, with the exception of Ray Chiu's Prince Ash and Princess Lillie story, unfusing Ashlie, is basically a death wish! Picture this: You forcefully unfuse them in anyway, but their souls, minds, and auras are fully linked, you want to know what trying to unfuse all three of those at once does?

An explosion that has the impact of the bombs used on Hiroshima and Nagasaki to end World War II, AKA, a Nuclear Explosion!

Yeah, so, May might not want to do that, because Ashlie's trying to save May's life by telling her not to do that, because unfusing Ashlie, would instantly evaporate May like the Atomic Bombs did to Hiroshima and Nagasaki basically.

Now, listen, I don't want ANY hatred or anger to MayandKirby okay?! He really is ashamed of his actions and extremely regrets ever making that art, even if he never did post it. So if I hear even a word about anyone saying a disrespectful thing to MayandKirby, I will be furious, I like people who actually want to make amends for their mistakes, and MayandKirby wants to make amends for his mistakes!

Ashlie: Thankfully, I did get out of that un-fusion thing, ALIVE! But thank gosh I got May to listen to me! Yeah, long story short...we don't have a grudge, but lesson of the story today is that if you see a fusion of two characters, don't try to use a un-fusion card unless you know for a FACT that there won't be dangerous consequences from the aftermath!

Also, one time in Pixelmon, MandJTV leveled a Regidrago Temple roof!

Also, one time in Pixelmon, MandJTV leveled a Regidrago Temple roof!

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