Chapter 14: My rings?

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Damions pov🔪

When I woke up I felt the sun on my face, fuck you sun! I know Aria is in my arms, because I can feel her soft plush little body...

Wait! Arias body isn't pushy yet! I shot up in a sitting position, looking down to see a pillow in my arms. I started freaking out. I looked all over, but I soon stopped when I saw a note on my side table.

Hey, so this is Aria. I'm going to school, and you looked really peaceful so I had Alfonso take me to school. Goodbye Damion. As soon as I saw that name I quickly jumped for the door.

"Ohhh, ALFONSO!!! Where are you.." I said in a sweet tone, my anger building by the second.

I heard footsteps coming down the stairs, Alfonso came in my line of vision, but he wasn't alone. He had a girl with him. She had blonde hair blue eyes, fake tits and a tiny shirt on.

"Well hey there handsome." The thing said trying to touch my chest. Only Aria is allowed to touch me.


Alfonso stood up straighter, yeah, be scared, pussy.

"Do you know where my girl went this morning." I said texting a clean up crew for the thing on the floor.

Alfonso gulped, "she said she was going to school sir." He said looking down.

"And did you take her to school..?" I asked getting closer so I can hear if he lies or not.

"No sir." He said quickly. I listened for his breathing, for anything to see if he was lying. But nothing.

"She said you told her to leave for school so I didn't question it..because I was um, busy." He said raising his eyebrows at the thing on the floor.

"Get the hell out of here." I said as he quickly ran for the door. Good choice.

I'm raging now, I told her no. How could I be so stupid to not wake up to my girl leaving me?! I threw a glass at the wall, watching as it shattered to pieces.

Good god Aria! You could of just stayed her for a few more hours or forever.

At around 2 I grabbed my phone checking the time. Shit one more hour till she's out. I already asked Jane if she was working today and she said no. Thank Dio.

I did a few minutes of paperwork, some shipments come in on next Thursday,then the guns shipment and then the drug shipments come in on Thursday next week.

Me and Ivan, never liked the whole sex trafficking thing, so we stuck to guns and drugs. We actually stopped a few rings in the past. Nasty fuckers man.

As soon as it hit 2:49 I was out of the door. She is going to tag along to meet Ivan. I have a few things to tell him but I also want him to meet her, but only if she is comfortable with it.

"D-Damion. W-what, a..are you. Um, what are you doing here." She stuttered but soon cleared her throat.

I just watched her, what to do...kiss her or drag her to the car...I threw her over my shoulder.

"Damion! I'm 18 you can't do this!" She said hitting my back, wow what a nice massage. I should do this to her more often.

She got quite for a little bit and I got worried till she slapped me..on my I returned the favor, I smacked her ass lightly and she gasped.

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