3. King Of The Castle

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Draco was an eighteen year old, with blond silvery hair that reached his shoulders.  His eyes were the color of mercury, a stunning silver that could capture the souls of people if he wanted to.  His body was lean and muscular, toned with slight muscle, and his fingers long and nimble.  He had pointy features which made him appear more of a snob than he actually was.  The color of his skin was pale, his lips a lush peach color, a strong contrast to the black clothes that he would usually wear, courtesy of Aunt Bella.

Draco had accepted that he was now the new owner of the King Ranch, and after the reading of the will, had gone straight home to celebrate.  He had no idea how his parents were feeling at the news that he was going to be moving out the mansion, and to be honest, he didn't really care.  Finally free to be on his own, he was reeling with what to take and what to leave behind.  The only other person that would be able to help him make the decision was his long time friend, Pansy Parkinson.

He had called her and told her the story, earning him a "Oh my God Draco, that's fantastic!!", shrieking in his ear, so loud that he had to pull the phone away.  He told her to come and help him pack, they could share some wine.  Well of course she was going to help him, she had replied, and had arrived within thirty minutes.

Sitting in his room drinking white wine they were discussing what had happened at the reading of the will.  Pansy was happy for him.  For too long he had been under his father's so called guidance, and she knew as well as he did that the time was right to leave.

"What have your parents said about you leaving?", she asked softly.

Draco looked at her and replied, "I haven't exactly told them yet, but I'm sure they know that I have to".

"No time like the present Draco", she said with glee.  Pansy was a gossip lover, and reveled in the fact that the Malfoy family was one of the most talked about families in England.  She would give her left arm to see their reactions to the news that their precious son would be moving out and starting his own thing.  They both rose up to go and deliver the blow.

Draco found his parents sitting outside on the porch, enjoying the sunshine and a glass of Chardonnay.  He pulled out a chair for Pansy and then took a seat himself.

"Mother, Father.  I have come to tell you that I am moving out of the mansion", he stated with absolutely no shake in his voice.  His parents both turned to look at him.  

"We thought you would be.  You can't run a ranch and not be there", said his mother with a smile.  He nodded his thanks to her, but he still had to hear from his father.

"Draco, while we are both aware that Bella has left you the ranch, I must ask you if you even know how to run one?", sneered Lucius.  

Draco had been prepared for this kind of talk from his father and already had an answer ready.  He winked at Pansy and stated, "That may be so, but there are ranch hands that I could hire, and money would be no object.  But, it almost seems as if you don't approve.  I wonder why that is", he sneered back.

"Bella has left you a lot of money.  I've no idea why, she knows what a spend thrift you are", spat his father.  Draco just glared at the man.  

"So, you're jealous then.  I received a whole bank account, while you only received a third of one", he said sarcastically.

"Careful Draco, I am still your father", he threatened.

Draco smirked at him and answered.  "With or without your blessing, I'll be leaving here before the end of the day", and he stood up to go back to his room to resume his packing.

"And when you run back to us, I will be here to tell you I told you so Draco", said his father.  Draco turned around with a look of confusion on his face.

"I beg your pardon?", he said.  "Tell me what exactly?".

"That you have no idea of what you are doing.  That you were stupid to leave the mansion in the first place, instead of asking someone else to run the ranch.  Someone who knows how to manage staff as well as animals", answered his father.

"Jesus, you never let up do you?", he shouted.  "I'm never good enough.  Not in anything that I do.  The only person that ever saw something in me was Bella.  Well news flash father, I will be leaving.  I will be running the ranch.  I will not come running back to you, as you claim I will.  I will make it a success", he shouted out.

"One year", said Lucius, and turned his head to look out over the lawns again.

"Sorry?", asked Draco, not quite understanding what that was meant to mean.

"I am willing to bet you, that you will not make it within one year.  One year to bring the ranch to it's full potential, and show a profit, or lose it completely.  That means everything about it.  The lawns, the animals, the maintenance, the structures, the fencing, the bills, everything needs to be in top form, or you lose it.  This way, we can see who really is the man around here", he stated.

"I don't have to prove anything to you", he said, pointing a finger at his own chest.  "The ranch was left to me, because I'm the only one who ever went to visit there".

"Oh, are you scared of a little challenge son?", he sniggered.  "Let's see who really will be the King of the Castle".

Draco could feel his nostrils flaring, and he hated the fact that his father would always make a competition out of everything that happened between them.  Relenting, he dropped his hand and replied to his father.

"Fine.  I accept your challenge.  One year, and you will be the one to apologize to me, saying that you knew I had it in you Draco.  Well fucking done!", he shouted.  Then he turned around and stormed back inside, now wanting to leave more than ever.  Pansy swallowed, gave a slight smile, and left the table to go and comfort her friend.

Narcissa looked at her husband with a raised brow.  "What?", he asked, knowing full well that his wife knew that getting under Draco's skin was his favorite past time.

"You're a bastard.  Always will be", she said and threw her wine in his face.  Then she stood up and walked towards the door.  "He's going to win you know", she said and turned around and left the porch.

Lucius knew that his son would do everything in his power to win, because it was a game they played.  They would make bets, and almost all the time, Lucius would win.  The fact that he cheated, no one needed to know.  He only pushed him harder to make him realize that he had so much more to give, and if that made him a bastard, then so be it.

He emptied his glass and poured another.

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