34. Slow Love

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A few days after Harry had sent Lucius away with his tail between his legs, he had the sudden urge to ask Draco a few questions about the ranch.  But first, he had to know if they were serious.  More to the point, was Draco serious about their relationship, because Harry was already head over heels in love with him, and wanted to be there for him in every way possible.  Even if it meant that he had to pummel Lucius Malfoy into the ground for Draco.  And if his lover ever asked him to, he would do this.

He had saddled up the horses on a Saturday morning and had packed a picnic basket for them, and told Draco to wear comfortable clothes.  They were going for a ride.  He had shown up in sexy shorts, that almost had Harry coming in his jeans, and a transparent button down shirt that looked two sizes too big.  The one side of it hanging off the shoulder, had Harry's mouth watering, and he couldn't wait to get the man alone again.  

After he had helped Draco onto Biscuit, he climbed onto Trinity and together they rode toward the waterfall.  The ride was slow, and Harry leaned in towards his lover and kissed him deeply, while they were still moving.  Breaking the kiss, Draco asked, "What was that for?", with a smile.

"You wearing those clothes.  It should be illegal" he croaked out and winked at Draco.  Draco smiled at him, the sudden kisses coming from Harry were enough to make him weak in the knees, not to mention that wink.  Thank God he was sitting down, otherwise he would have fallen over.  He licked his lips and said seductively, "Maybe you should take them off me then", and then clicked his tongue so that his horse could run faster.  Leaving Harry behind him, he was laughing all the way, waiting for his words to sink in.

Harry was hard.  Christ, he was always hard when he was in the presence of Draco, not that he would ever complain about it.  But now his ride was going to be uncomfortable.  He clicked his tongue and shouted at Trinity to go faster, and soon he had reached his lover and together they arrived at the stunning waterfall.  They both dismounted, and Harry threw the blanket on the grass, and removed his shoes, socks and his shirt.  

He had also dressed in shorts today, that hugged his arse perfectly.  As if they had been painted onto his body, and Draco loved looking at his strong muscular thighs.  Harry watched his face, as his eyes roamed all over him and raised his brow in a sexy way, asking Draco if he was done yet.  Draco blushed and said playfully, "Down Potter", making Harry laugh out loud.

The food that had been packed was cold chicken drumsticks, potato salad, cocktail pork sausages, jam sandwiches and treacle tart.  To drink there was beer, and white wine.  Draco served for himself and Harry both, and they ate in silence, just enjoying the weather and the peace that was surrounding them.

"Thank you Harry", said Draco suddenly.  

"What for love?", he asked confused.

"For remembering that I used to come here and have picnics.  I've missed it", he replied.

Harry winked at him and said, "We should do this every weekend baby, yeah?"

Draco nodded.  He loved it when Harry called him baby.  It was precious and it was theirs.  There were times when they were fucking that Harry would call him baby as well, and Draco had made the mistake once of calling Harry his Daddy once, when Harry had gone quiet.  

He thought that he had killed the mood, only to turn around and see that Harry was more turned on than he had ever been before.  When Harry growled at him to 'say it again', Draco did.  Harry had fucked him so hard that night, he was too sore the next morning to stand.  From then on, if it was a mad fucking session, Harry was Daddy, and they both loved it.

"I love you", said Harry suddenly.  Draco looked at him with his gorgeous silver eyes, and Harry could see they were brimming with tears.  He put his plate down, and touched Draco on his face.  "Shit baby, I didn't mean to upset you", he said with worry, and leaned in to kiss Draco on the forehead.

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