42. A Bastard's Arrest

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Harry and Draco couldn't get enough of each other's bodies and when Harry had told Draco that he was proud of him the night before, he had begged Harry to fuck him hard, and of course Harry would always give Draco what he wanted.  He took him up against the wall, with a hand around his throat, he demanded that Draco not come until he was told to.

Being dominated by Harry Potter was like a junkie getting his fix for the day.  A natural high would follow, and he would feel like he was floating on a cloud, and wouldn't come down until he could feel his own limbs and heartbeat again.  Which was of course, after his amazing orgasm.

Panting and sweating, Harry pushed himself inside the heat of Draco, with very hard and fast thrusts, always wanting to please his lover.  Draco's arms were above his head and with his head thrown back, he took the brutal love that he was being given, and groaned at the massive cock that his arse was hugging.  Their anatomy was made for each other, made to fit perfectly, and Harry's hands on his hips were so tight, he loved the pain.

"Harder baby", he begged Harry through his panting, and opened his legs even wider.  Harry thrust inside him, hitting his soft little nub, causing Draco to see stars.  "Again", he cried out.  Harry loved the fact that they were vocal in the bedroom, it made it so much more sexier, and that way he knew he was fucking Draco right.  He did it again, and Draco shouted out, "Just like that Daddy", making Harry go even faster.

He grabbed Draco by the hips, raising his arse even higher, and slammed into him time and time again, and when Draco slapped his hands on Harry's chest, he clenched his hole, shouting out one more time, "Fuck yes!", and he came all over his stomach, which of course Harry loved seeing.  The fact that he could make his lover come, without even touching his cock, sent his own senses into overdrive, and spilled his hot seed inside the velvet walls of Draco.

Panting heavy breaths, he lay on top of him, kissing his chest and neck, trying to tell him just how much he loved him, and loved fucking him.  Draco pulled Harry's face towards him, and kissed him with a groan.  "Christ, you're going to kill me Potter", he said with a dry voice, making Harry chuckle at him.  Harry pecked him on the lips, and climbed off his lover, lying down beside him.

After cleaning up, they lay in each other's arms and wondered what tomorrow would bring.  They had told Chief Longbottom that they wanted to be informed of any developments, and he assured them that while it was an open and shut case, it might take some time to gather even more evidence and arrest those that had been involved in the arson.  They fell asleep soon after, and woke up to Draco's mobile ringing on his nightstand.

It was his mother calling him and urging him to turn on his television, there was something that he had to see.  It was just before 9am, so the morning news was on.  He and Harry sat up straight, and turned the tv on with the remote.  There on the screen was a news anchor, by the name of Seamus Finnigan, reporting on how could a man of such social standing, as Lucius Malfoy, be arrested as a suspect in an arson case.  And not only that, the arson was committed on his son's ranch.  What were the papers and politicians going to say?

Draco tensed up at the next words that were spoken, and Harry held his hand in support of what obviously couldn't be easy to hear.

"Chief Longbottom has said that the man who had set the fire - Theo Nott - has confessed to the crime and said that he had been hired by Lucius Malfoy to do so.  He was promised a huge sum of money if he made sure that Draco Malfoy failed", said the Irish man.  He changed his face to another camera and spoke again.

"Chief Longbottom said he owes this case being closed so fast and efficiently to that of none other than Draco Malfoy, because of the elaborate alarm and camera system that he had installed on his ranch.  He and his partner, Harry Potter have not been reached for comment".

The Irish man went on to talk about other things, while Draco was shaking in Harry's arms.  He wasn't crying from heartbreak, he was shaking with anger.  He had thought that his father might have had a hand in this, but to have it confirmed on national tv was on a whole other level.  Harry just kept on holding him, and suddenly said, "We have to contact your mother Draco", and kissed him on his temple.

Draco nodded and said yes.  He phoned and asked his mother if it were possible to come to the ranch, and when she said yes, they got up and had their shower.  Dressed for a day's hard work, Harry started on his chores, telling the others what had transpired.  They felt sorry for Draco, but they would never show him their pity.  And about an hour later, when Narcissa did show up, they could see that there were a horde or reporters at the gate.  All scrambling to get the first bite out of this very sour apple.

Draco said he had no time for them, and when Narcissa told him that he might have to say something in order for them to go away, he relented.  He asked his mother and his lover to accompany him.  Harry smiled, because he hated the cameras, but for Draco, he would do this.

When they came to the gate, you could hardly hear yourself think from the noise, each of them trying to get the first question asked and answered.  It was only when Harry gave his very loud whistle, that had them quieten down, and when he said in his deep voice, they would answer questions, "One at a time", and winked at Draco and nodded his head.

Draco was pristine, and lifted his head nodding to the first reporter.  It was a woman with short cropped blond hair.  "Mr Malfoy, why do you think your father would do this to his only son?", she asked.

"Because my father is a bastard - next question", he stated.

"Mr Malfoy", asked a black man.  "Your father has connections, do you honestly think that he will serve any jailtime?".

"He will - Theo Nott has confessed and mentioned him.  No one is above the law sir", he said.

"Mr Potter, did you know, or at least suspect, that Mr Malfoy senior would go to these lengths to see Draco fail?", was the next question.

Harry looked at his lover, silently asking permission to answer the question.  When Draco nodded, he gave his reply.

"In the beginning, I didn't know what type of man he was.  But with the evidence on hand, it is in black and white that he is indeed a bastard as Draco has stated, and I for one am glad that he will be out of Draco's life".

The questions kept coming and so did their answers.  Even Narcissa said that while she knew her husband was evil, she never expected this of him.  

"He is a bastard, and he was arrested like one.  And he will spend many years in prison as one, and for that I am grateful".  After that, the reporters thanked them and left the grounds.

Chief Longbottom had informed them that a court date had been set for a hearing, but with both men admitting their guilt, it was taken off the judicial roll, each of them earning a prison sentence of 25 years.  Draco and Harry couldn't be more happier with the outcome.

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