11. Interviews

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It was Saturday, and Draco had four horrible interviews to look forward to.  He had told Pansy that she needed to come around for the day, and assist him with his final decision.  She had to have a say in the matter, and even though all four candidates had gone through her agency, he still considered her opinion one of the highest.  She was a mastermind at reading people, and he had come to value that trait in her.

His first interview was with a man called Ronald Weasley.  Draco was the type of person to judge a book by it's cover, so it goes without saying that he wasn't really looking forward to meeting the man who had said - depends on the wages -.  But, he was going to have to hold his tongue and play nice, only up to a point though.  He had asked that the interviews have 1-2 hours intervals, because he wanted to see how far he could push the candidates.

Pansy was knocking on the door, yelling that she was here.  "You need to get your arse out of bed Draco Malfoy - today's the day we get you a ranch manager", she shouted out.  

When he opened the door, he saw that she was dressed casually in a denim that reached just above her skinny ankles.  With a soft white blouse that was flowing and a pair of white sandals, he smiled at her and gave her a kiss on the cheek.  

"God you are so loud in the morning.  Do your lovers know this about you?", he drawled.

"Yes they do darling, and good morning to you too", she said and waltzed into his kitchen and put on the kettle.  "So, are you ready for them yet?", she asked.

"God no", came the reply.  He said he was going for a quick shower, to make him a cup of coffee, they could send for breakfast.  

"No need love, I brought donuts", she replied with a wink.  Draco smiled back and said, "Marry me", to which Pansy replied, "Fuck no.  You have too much cock for me darling", making him laugh and leave to go and do his beauty routine.  

Pansy was a raging lesbian, and probably the only person in the world that would shout it out to anyone who would listen.  He admired her bravery when it came to her sexuality, but she had told him long ago, 'you only have one life, why hide from it'.  He had to agree with her though, batting for the same team was a pleasure on a whole other level.  

After his shower, he made his way downstairs, also opting for casual denims today.  With it he wore a button down shirt and sneakers, but also hoping that he came across as intimidating and bossy.  He snorted at the thought and he told her what he was thinking, making her laugh out loud.  They enjoyed their coffee and donuts together, and Draco asked if she could perhaps arrange pizza for lunch.  She said yes.

Just then they heard a car horn sound outside, and both stood up to go and see what the commotion was about.  He looked at the clock in the kitchen and saw that it was almost 10am.  His first interview was here.  He watched as Pansy exited the house and walked towards the car, and saw the man the got out of his car.  It was the redhead, Ronald Weasley.

He was dressed sloppily, as if the clothes were too big for him.  The denims that he had on looked old, as if they had seen a better life, and his shoes looked scuffed.  The shirt was nice though.  Tatty, was the first thought that came to mind.  How could someone show up at an interview looking like that, he wondered.  He hadn't even spoken to the man, and already knew his answer was going to be a resounding no.  Thank God he had put him first on the list.

Pansy and the man shook hands again, although Draco didn't know why, they already knew each other!  The man followed her back inside the house, and looked at Draco.  He held out his freckled hand and Draco shook it in greeting.  They led him to the lounge and after they were all seated, Pansy offered him something to drink.  He said coffee would be fine, thank you.

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