9. Coinage & Files

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Draco had an important meeting at Coinage bank with the manager about the finances of the ranch.  How his Aunt Bella had let everything go the way she had was a mystery.  But it was one that he needed to solve, otherwise he would have to sell to recover costs and might just find himself living on the streets.  He grimaced at the thought.

He still had the files that Pansy had given him to go through, and find the right person who would be able to manage the ranch.  That alone was going to be a challenge, but one he was looking forward to.  

He had dressed in his best suit today, a charcoal grey with a light blue shirt and dark blue tie, finishing off the look with his leather shoes and black belt.  Draco knew that he was good looking, and he loved being admired by others.  Others, being other men and women who would always scramble to get his attention.  

He was also very well known for the elaborate parties that he would throw, and if you weren't invited, he just didn't think you important enough.  You were either in or you were not.  Which was one of the reasons that he had to attend to this headache as soon as possible.  It wouldn't do well to be seen hosting events, and not be able to pay your dues.

He was shown into the bank manager's office and was told that the manager would be with him shortly.  The name on the door was Eugene Rayne.  It was Draco's first time that he had ever set foot inside Coinage Bank, and had no idea what to expect.  Either the manager was going to be on his side or not, but he knew he would have to sell his story the correct way in order for some leniency.

Eugene Rayne was a bulk of a man at just 30 years old.  He had a full beard but no hair.  Warm brown eyes that would crinkle at the sides every time he laughed.  He had a pleasing personality, and a fantastic sense of humor.  When he walked in, he held out his hand to shake that of Draco Malfoy.  He loved meeting new people, and had been informed by his secretary that Mr Malfoy was here to discuss King Ranch.

He knew all about the ranch of course, Bellatrix Lestrange being one of his most valued customers.  He also knew who had inherited what, because he had been drafted to keep her account alive, no matter what.  Which is what he did.  After shaking hands, he got straight to the point.

"Mr Malfoy, it's a pleasure to meet you in the flesh", he said kindly.

"In the flesh?", asked Draco with a frown.

"Miss Lestrange always spoke highly of you.  I assume you are here to discuss the future of the ranch?", he queried, and lit a cigarette.  The smoke was curling around his face, and paid no attention to the look of disgust on his client's face.  

Draco shifted in his chair.  "Yes actually, that is precisely why I am here.  I see that the bond repayments have gone up, even though she has passed away", he said with a sneer.

Eugene Rayne was also not a man who would keep silent for anyone.  If he felt the need to say something, he would say it.  No matter the cost.  But being a bank manager, he couldn't always afford that comfort.  And the man sitting in front of him looked like a) he had money b) he knew business talk and c) would not take no for an answer.

"You talk as if it is I who determine the interest rate Mr Malfoy, when I can assure you that is not the case.  Why don't you tell me what you can afford, and let's see if we can come to an agreement", he offered with a smile, and took another drag.

Draco sighed and opened the file that he had come prepared with.  "My Aunt, your client, who is now deceased, took out a loan from Coinage to the value of 500 000 British pounds.  Her monthly instalment on said loan is just over 14 000 pounds per month, for 36 months.  I was wondering if you could perhaps cancel and re-instate the balance of the loan, but this time over 60 months.  That would bring the premium down to just over 8 000 pounds per month", he asked with surety.

Mr Rayne looked at him and bit his bottom lip.  Taking the last drag of his cigarette, he stubbed it out, and blew the smoke out slowly with a smile.  He knew that in the right hands, King Ranch could be worth a fortune, and if the rumors were true, Draco Malfoy already had money.  Anything he touched turned to gold, apparently.  

"I can do that Mr Malfoy, but what are you going to give me in return?", he asked with a smirk.

"I beg your pardon?", was the comeback.

"What I mean is, you cannot miss one instalment.  That you will pay me the 8 000 per month, no matter what?", asked Eugene.

Draco nodded and with hope in his chest answered, "Of course.  No matter what.  Can I just ask how many instalments did she miss?".

"She missed about six payments", was the answer.

Draco nodded, and then he sat back and waited until the final answer was given

"All right, I would have to see your other bank account balances to make a final decision of course, and ask my secretary to get the paperwork in order", said the manager.  "You do understand that a new contract will have to be signed?".

Draco nodded again and gave him the assurance that he could do this, wrote down his other bank account balances, including the one at Coinage that he had also inherited from Bella, and handed it over to the manager.

He took the piece of paper and said, "I have a feeling that we are going to be good friends.  If you can bring that ranch to it's former glory, then you and I will both benefit", he said and shook the man's hand again.  Draco stood up and said that he would wait to hear from him to come and sign the new contracts.  He was shown out of the office, and left the building with a smile on his face.

On his way out of the bank, he noticed a man that was sitting in the waiting area to see the bank manager as well.  He looked slightly familiar, but couldn't quite place his face.  Oh well, no matter, at least my job here is done.  On to the next challenge.

When he returned home, he poured himself a glass of orange juice, mixed with champagne, and opened the files that Pansy had given him to look through.  The men who had applied for the job on his ranch.  

1.  RONALD WEASLEY - 19 years old.   
      Previous work experience - none
      Strengths - Physically strong
      Weaknesses - Always hungry / Bad temper
      Willing to work weekends - depends on the wages
      Partner - yes - a girlfriend

2.  EDWARD JOHNSON - 23 years old.
      Previous work experience - Worked on parent's farm
      Strengths - Quiet/Strong/Popular
      Weaknesses - Not quick witted / Impatient
      Willing to work weekends - No
      Partner - yes - a girlfriend

3.  HARRY POTTER - 18 years old.
      Previous work experience - Yes/farming/agricultural school/degree in ranching
      Strengths - Loyal/Dedicated/Devoted/Animal loving/Patient
      Weaknesses - Trusting/Overly Emotional sometimes
      Willing to work weekends - Yes
      Partner - No

4.  TIMOTHY REYNOLDS - 36 years old.
      Previous work experience - None
      Strengths - Hard working
      Weaknesses - Time - (If hours are 8-5, he will work no longer than that)
      Willing to work weekends - No
      Partner - yes, married

Draco slammed the files closed.  Well what a bunch of idiots.  The only one that he would MAYBE hire, was Potter.  He was willing to work weekends, no questions asked.  And his strengths were, well they were nice.  Different, but nice.  But he wasn't going to make his decision based on a file, he wanted to meet the men.  He called Pansy and asked her to arrange for the interviews over the weekend.  All of them on Saturday, and to leave Potter for last.

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