33. The Second Quarter

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After their round of love making, Harry and Draco had spoken about everything, and realized that both of them were idiots.  They both apologized for the stupid if not drastic behavior, and Draco honestly didn't care that Harry was the so called hired help, because he knew he was more than that, and Harry was now okay with Draco being his boss.  The only place that he would be on top of Draco would be the bedroom, and the blond man was more than happy with that arrangement.  

They had kissed even more after the sex, leaving each other breathless, and wanting again, with Draco complimenting Harry on the size of his cock and his dominating stature in the bedroom, which of course made Harry laugh that contagious laughter of his.  Then when things got a bit more serious with Draco wanting to taste Harry after he had almost sucked Draco's soul out through his cock, Harry's eyes would grow dark with lust again.

Harry was leaning with his back against his headboard, with his feet planted flat on the mattress.  When Draco went down on him, Harry kept his hands on his face as if to guide him, and his head thrown back, and after coming inside Draco's mouth, shouting out loud, Harry had pulled him upwards, and kissed him non stop, tasting his own unique salty essence.  

They were spent, physically and emotionally, and later that night when Pansy dropped by to see how Harry was doing, she left with a smile on her face, when she saw that the two men who were fast asleep, and had finally found each other at last.

When they woken up the next day, they were both smiling.  Finally the pent up stress and tension had been released, and now they had to let everyone know.  Or did they?  Draco thought that it had nothing to do with anyone, while Harry said they were going to have questions anyway, seeing as Draco hadn't left his cottage for two days.  He smiled at the man who was holding him in his arms, and relented.

"Fine", he said.  "Let's tell them then", and Harry kissed him deep, trying to tell him with that one kiss that he was thankful for him.  For all of him.  

Draco was of the mind that he could probably come just from Harry's kisses and nothing else, that's how sexually demanding and dominating he was, not that Draco was complaining.

The news was shared and celebrated by everyone later that day, when they finally had the strength and the courage to leave Harry's bed.  Pansy of course was in her fifth element, because for the first time in a long time, she was seeing Draco happy.  The ranch was thriving in it's new captured beauty, Draco was blossoming, and they as a couple were stunning together.  She said that they should pop some champagne later, when their happy mood was suddenly soured by the sound of an engine coming up the driveway.

Harry tensed when he recognized the car.  It was Lucius Malfoy.  Draco looked at him with worry, and it wasn't because Harry was his lover, that actually didn't bother him.  He didn't care if his father knew.  No, what bothered him was the last time his father had been here, he had been rude to Harry, and so had Draco.  When all Harry had wanted were answers.  It was also the first time that Harry had kissed him.  

Harry felt him tense up as well, and said that he would handle this, winked at Draco and made his way towards the car.  Draco loved watching him at times like this, and couldn't wait to see what he was going to tell his father.  Pansy was standing next to him and wanted to distract him, so asked him out of the blue, "Are the rumors true Draco?", she asked.  He frowned at her and asked what was she talking about.

"Potter's cock.  Blaise said it looked like the man is hung", she stated with a giggle, and inspected her nails.  If Draco had been drinking anything, he would have sputtered it out, because holy shit.  The audacity.  He looked at her and with a blush replied, "It's huge.  And it's all mine", and turned his attention back to Harry and his father.  Pansy smiled, and squeezed his arm.  "You look happy, and that makes me happy", she said. 

He smiled at her and said that he was.  They started moving slowly towards where the two men were standing and Draco felt a shudder go through him when he heard Harry speak in a very deep voice to Lucius.

"Yes, I know about the bet.  But what I want to know is - is there paperwork stating that you are to be the new owner if Draco doesn't pull through in a year, or is it your own twisted sense of entitlement that makes you think you can get away with it?", he snapped at the man.

Draco felt a glow of warmth fill him up.  Of course there was no paperwork, his Aunt Bella would never have done that to him.  She and Lucius hadn't exactly seen eye to eye when she had been alive.  This was because of pure jealousy, he was sure of it.  He never wanted his son to succeed in anything.  And Draco was dying to prove his father wrong.  And he felt that with Harry by his side, he would achieve this.

"I don't have to answer to you Potter!!  This is between me and my son, and the bet still stands.  He has four months left to show a profit, otherwise this ranch, with all it's animals and whatnot become mine.  Is that clear?", he asked in a threatening tone.  Then he turned his attention to Draco.  "I have come to take the quarterly pictures Draco, tell your bulldog here to step aside", he sneered.

But Harry wasn't scared of him.  He was going to have the last word, even if it meant decking the man by punching him in the jaw.  "Take your camera and shove it up your arse Lucius.  There will be no more quarterly pictures taken, not while I am here.  Is that clear?", he spat back.  Lucius took one more look at the bulky man standing in front of him and then he looked at his son again, and he knew.  He just knew that something had happened between them.

With his face showing disgust, he snarled at Harry, but spoke to his son.  "You are going to be sorry Draco", and he climbed back into his car and left the ranch, speeding away.  Harry was actually shaking from the confrontation, but when Draco approached him and hugged him, he was calm.  "Your father is a real piece of work, you know that?", he said aloud.

Draco chuckled and said, "Yeah I know.  I grew up with him remember".  

"What do you think he meant by that - you are going to be sorry - what did it mean?", asked Harry.  He looked at his lover and then at Pansy.  They knew Lucius better than anyone, and Harry had to know what he was capable of.   Draco put his hands in his pockets, while Pansy studied his face.  She knew Lucius was ruthless in his often failed attempts to get what he wanted, but if it was one thing that he didn't want, it was to see his son succeed.  And just how far was he willing to go?

Pansy took a deep breath and spoke.  "It means that he will do whatever he can to destroy Draco's chances", she said.

"It means that nothing and nobody is above him, and that his morals take a back seat, if he walks away a winner", offered Draco.

'Well then, we'll just have to be prepared, won't we?", said Harry, and he turned his back to them facing the driveway leading up to the gate.

"And I know just how to do that", he said with a wink.

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