36. Pads Comes Knocking

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Harry and Draco had taken the horses back to the stables and had groomed them after their ride, after which Draco said that he had to make an appointment with the bank manager, and that he would see Harry later.  Harry kissed him goodbye, and went back to his own cottage, intent on making a phone call of his own.

"Pads!", he exclaimed after his call was answered almost immediately.  He wanted to tell Sirius of the developments in his life, but he didn't want to do it over the phone.  He had discussed it with Draco, and had laughed at the man's blush that covered his face.  Gods, he was beautiful.  He was so happy, he wanted to shout it out from the rooftops.

"Hey Har, it's good to hear from you", said Sirius.

"Yeah.  Listen I was wondering if you're free to join us for lunch tomorrow, here on the ranch.  There is something that I need to tell you", said Harry, trying to hide the excitement in his voice.

"Is everything all right?", asked his godfather.

"Everything is fine Pads, truly.  So, will you come?", he asked again.

"Of course I will, and, I'll bring wine", he proposed with a chuckle.

Harry thanked him and told him what time to arrive.  He went to tell Draco that Sirius had accepted the invite, and asked what time they had to go and see the bank manager.  An appointment had been made for Tuesday morning 9am.  The sooner they settled the mortgage, the better, and so the sooner they could leave everything behind them.

Sunday morning came sooner than they thought it would, and Harry woke up to find himself alone in bed.  He had asked Draco to stay for the night, but it seemed that he had gone to the main house some time while he had been asleep.  He frowned and wondered why he would do that.  He left the bed and made his way to the kitchen to make coffee.  Only to find that his lover had not left, he was sitting in the kitchen waiting for the kettle to boil.

Harry kissed him on the mouth, "Good morning beautiful.  You're up early", he said to Draco.  The blond looked at him and put his finger on his own mouth as if to silence Harry.  When Harry wanted to ask what was going on, Draco put one hand over Harry's mouth and pointed to the door.  Sirius was standing outside, with his mobile in his hand.

Harry smiled.  "How long has he been there Draco?", he asked in a whisper.

"About five minutes.  It was his incessant pounding on the door that woke me up Potter", he said with a sneer.

"Aw, poor baby", cooed Harry.  He pulled Draco to him and gave him a deep kiss.  "I'll make it up to you gorgeous", he said and bit his bottom lip to show Draco just what he meant.  Draco blushed and pushed him away, and went back to the bedroom.

Harry opened the door to his cottage and opened his arms so that his godfather could give him a hug.  "Pads!", he cried out.

"It's about bloody time Har, I've been out here for almost twenty minutes", said Sirius, hugging him back.  Harry raised a brow at at what Draco had told him, and knew that his godfather wasn't exaggerating.  Draco was a spoiled brat, and apparently not bothered with having someone wait outside for Harry to wake up.

"Sorry Pads, it seems that I've only just heard you knocking", and opened the door widely so his godfather could enter.  He was a bit early, but whatever.  It was great seeing him again.  Harry offered him coffee, and said he was going to put on some clothes real quick, he'd be back in a bit.

Sirius sat at the table drinking his coffee, and waited for Harry to return.  When he did, he was dressed in a denim and T shirt, his signature outfit.  Next to him was the blond beauty, that was Harry's boss.

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