28. Getting The Roof Wet

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Harry had gone back to his cottage with a heavy heart.  His daily chores had all been done, and Pansy had indeed been right.  He was pouting and he wanted to continue doing so.  Without anyone looking or staring at him thank you.  He decided to change his schedule, and phone Sirius.  Maybe he could tell him what to do without threatening him the same way Pansy had.

It was picked up after the second ring.  "Hey Pads", he said, walking to his fridge to get a beer.  He twisted the bottle cap off and threw it on the counter.  Walking outside, he sat down in his chair and put his feet up on the railing.

"Har!  It's good to hear from you, but you do know we spoke last night yeah?", he asked with a chuckle.

Harry swallowed and said, "Yeah.  I actually wanted to tell you something, and I honestly don't know who else to tell", he said softly.  Sirius on the other side, could hear the distress in Harry's voice, and told him to take his time.  

"I kissed my boss", he said, and took a big gulp of beer, as if that was going to make him feel better, which it didn't.  

"Way to go Har!  Did you enjoy it, fuck did he enjoy it?" came the reply.  But Harry stayed silent, hoping that Sirius would realize he wasn't here to brag.  He was here to unload on him, and gain advice on what his next move should be.  He didn't have to wait too long.

"Har listen to me.  If it's shame you're feeling...",

"It's not", replied Harry.

"Then, if you both enjoyed it, go for it.  Har, life is too short for silly games, and who cares if he's your boss.  If you have feelings for him, I think it's fair to tell him.  Love doesn't know titles, or ranch owners, love doesn't care how much money you have in the bank.  Love just happens, and you can't stop it.  The heart wants, what the heart wants Har", he said kindly.  "Don't make the same mistake I did, by not telling someone how you feel.  It has been my biggest regret", he said.

Harry took another sip of beer and contemplated the words.  "He's throwing a party tonight.  I haven't been invited, because - well because I'm the help.  He deserves better anyway.  I just wanted you to know", he said softly.  They spoke a bit longer, with Sirius telling Harry that if he really wanted it, he had to be brave and just do it.  Harry told him that he would think about it.  

He was still sitting on his porch when the first guests started to arrive.  Fancy cars filled with people who looked almost as perfect as Draco Malfoy.  Not that they were, thought Harry with a sad smile.  It was after the fourth car that had arrived, that Pansy had phoned him on his mobile, asking if he would assist in parking the cars so that they were out of the way, for the others to arrive.  He knocked on the door of the house, wanting to ask for the keys so he could start.

A sultry voice that belonged to a tall colored man opened the door and asked quite loudly, with a dashing smile, "Jesus Christ, who the fuck are you and why aren't you in my bed?", making Harry blush to the roots of his hair.  Harry was dressed in a white tight fitting denim, with a white T shirt, that made his bronze skin stand out at the contrast.  He wanted to ask this man for all the car keys, but it was then that Draco made an appearance.

"He's a nobody Blaise.  Just the hired help", he spat out, and dragged the colored man back to the noise and alcohol of the party.  Pansy had seen the interaction, and it looked like Potter was getting tears in his eyes from the words that had been spoken.  She smiled at him, her face not telling him how she had seen everything, and handed him the keys to all the cars.  He smiled his thanks, and took them without a word, and started moving them.

More and more cars had arrived, and Harry stood outside waiting for the keys to be dropped into his hands, so that he could do what had been asked.  Every time he was finished with parking a car, he hung the keys up inside the kitchen on the hooks that were provided.  The music was blaring, and the alcohol was flowing, and Harry couldn't wait for it to be over.  He had seen Pansy emerge from the house with another woman, and wondered if that was Celine.  In fact he had seen many couples come outside with their drinks, enjoying the new look of the ranch, stealing a kiss here and there.  

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