38. Blaze Of Glory

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Harry and Draco sat by the fire that night, after telling the staff that the ranch was paid for, there would be no more stress in that regard any more.  They were happy for the couple, and it was only after Warren and Lee stated that the security cameras had been installed, that they finally found themselves relaxing.  Draco had also changed the entrance gate security, so that when people called, they would have to announce themselves.  

A new codeword would be set every week, just to keep things interesting.  That way, no unwanted visitors would be able to worm their way onto their land.  The security guards that Sirius had suggested were only going to be appointed over weekends, because during the week there was always a flurry of people coming and going.  

They were drinking red wine, and talking about the offer from their bank manager.  They had the money to buy it, that wasn't the problem.  But did they want to bite off more than they could chew.  And now, because they were partners - at Draco's insistence - that made Harry want to kiss him until he couldn't breathe - they had to come to a mutual decision.  Harry thought it was a brilliant idea, all that they were missing were more staff members.

"Harry, if you knew the other candidates that applied for your job, it's not as easy as you think you know", sneered Draco.

"That bad huh?", asked Harry.

Draco rolled his eyes as he told Harry about the other three men that had applied, and it had him in stitches, laughing the whole time.  "Oh shit, you really are hard to please, aren't you princess?", he giggled.

Draco straddled him and whispered in his ear, "I am no princess Potter", with a smirk.  Which of course made Harry stop laughing, and made his eyes go dark with lust.

"I know that baby", he said in his gravelly voice.  Then he grabbed Draco's face, and kissed him roughly, making the blond man groan into his mouth, and grind on top of his cock.  Gods, Harry loved this about Draco.  He was terribly needy when it came to sex, now that he knew what Harry could do to his body, he almost craved it.  

Draco pushed him down all the while kissing him.  Then he raised his head and just looked into Harry's eyes.  They seemed hungry and when Harry licked his lips, Draco smashed his mouth back onto his, kissing him in a way that was telling him that he wanted him right here, right now.  Harry wasted no time, and after they were both naked, they started enjoying each other's bodies once more.

After kissing for what felt like forever, Harry croaked out, "Come sit on my face baby", and when Draco did, he felt his whole world open up.  Harry Potter was eating him out, and he was groaning in pleasure, as if it were him that was on the receiving end.  He licked and sucked at Draco's puckered hole, like a dying man, as if there was nothing else in the world that he would be doing.  With his hands on Draco's arse, he dove in and entered his tongue into that hot wetness, making Draco shake from the pleasure.

When he felt his orgasm rising to the surface, he backed away from Harry's mouth, and bent down to kiss him.  Harry reached out for the jar of lube, and slicked his very prominent cock until it was all over, and the coolness of it made him hiss in his breath.  The sensation was electrifying.  He took hold of Draco's hips, and helped him glide down with grace.

With his hands on Harry's chest, he was panting harshly at what was to come, and looked into the eyes of his lover.  Finally, fully sheathed they both stilled and just enjoyed the feeling.  Then, wanting to make Harry groan he ground his hips, trying to get Harrys cock to go deeper.  Harry was holding on to him with a grip so tight, Draco was starting to love the pain.  He rose up slowly, and slid back down the same way.

Harry's mouth was open, his breath coming out in sharp huffs, as if he couldn't breathe, and he just wanted to stay where he was forever.  "Fuck baby, your arse is amazing", he said, while his vision started to fade away.  Draco was able to bring out the animal in Harry, but he could also bring out a soft worshipping and praising side of him.  He loved both versions of the man, but tonight he wanted to be fucked hard.

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