13. Betty Breaks Loose

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Harry walked up to the front door to knock and let them know about his presence, while Draco was still trying to put his tongue back into his mouth.  Pansy had seen the reaction, and smirked, knowing that it was exactly what she had expected it to be.  Pulling on his arm, she turned him around so that he could face her.

"Get yourself together Draco.  You're still the boss remember?", she said.  "And Potter still needs to be interviewed", and she left him there to regroup, and went to answer the door.

When she opened the door, she acted surprised at seeing him.  "Harry!  It's good to see you again", she shrieked out.

"Hi Miss Parkinson.  It's good to see you too Ma'am", he said with a smile.  He hoped the owner was just as friendly as she was.

"Oh tosh, call me Pansy.  I have a feeling that you and I are going to be good friends.  Please come inside, I am just waiting for Draco to come downstairs, and then we can start.  Would you like something to drink Harry?", she asked kindly.

"Um, yes thank you.  I'll have what you're having, if that's okay", he said.  She smiled at him and said it was actually time for a glass of wine, but they would all settle for coffee because of the interview.  He said that was probably best for now with a laugh.

Draco was on the staircase and had heard them talking and laughing.  That sultry voice!  Jesus, he had to get it together, or he was going to look like an idiot if he stuttered throughout the whole thing.  Trust Pansy to be the one that was taking over as if it was her ranch, but he had to admit that he liked that about her.  She was almost his other half, doing what was needed but was never expected, whenever he was in a pickle.  He walked down the rest of the stairs slowly, and entered the lounge where they were waiting for him.

When he came into the room, Harry and Draco looked at each other.  Draco waited for Pansy to introduce him.  None of the other candidates had this effect on him, and that was a problem for Draco.  If he did decide to hire him, he didn't exactly want to sit on his porch and drool over him constantly.  Best to play it as he had the others.  Pretend that he was better than them, and that way if he was hired, it would be easier to convince himself that Potter was just a hired hand.  A beautiful, sex god, but a hired one none the less.

"Draco, this is Harry Potter.  The last interview of the day", she said.  "Harry, this is the owner of the ranch, Draco Malfoy".

Harry looked at the man appreciatively, he was a vision.  Then he came back to himself and offered his hand with a smile and replied, "A pleasure to meet you Mr Malfoy.  Thank you for giving me a chance with an interview".

Such impeccable manners!  Draco was fucked.  "Pleasure to meet you too, and thank you for being on time", he said with a smile while shaking his hand.  He waved his hand and asked Harry to take a seat.  He sat on a single chair - a wingback - while Draco and Pansy opted to sit together on a couch.  They hadn't done this with the other candidates, and when Draco looked at her with a raised brow, she just winked at him, making sure that Harry couldn't see.

Coffee was poured, and Draco noticed that he drank two sugars with milk.  Why would he notice that?!!  While stirring his own coffee, that he drank black with one sugar, he offered Potter a biscuit.  Harry smiled and said no thank you.  Pleased with what he was seeing so far, he went in for the kill.

"So, tell me about yourself Harry.  And finish it with why you think I should hire you", drawled Draco.  Harry took a sip of his coffee, licked his lips and leaned back in his chair.  But not in a disrespectful kind of way, more in a get comfortable you're in for the story of a lifetime, kind of way.  But he wasn't going to tell them everything.  If he didn't get the job, chances are he would never see these people again.  Except for Pansy of course, she said she wanted to be friends.

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