6. One Step Closer

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Harry and Sirius had spoken about a lot of things well into the night and had both gone to bed with lighter hearts and bigger smiles than ever before.  

But Harry had a hard time falling asleep.  He still couldn't believe half of what he had heard from Sirius.  He had a godfather!  And the fact that his parents had left him a fortune, in what world did any of that make sense.  And naturally, the way they had died had him feeling heartsore, and when he had asked Sirius where they were buried, he would like to visit their graves, Sirius said they would make a day of it soon.

Harry was a multi millionaire, but if the truth needed to be said, he didn't want the money.  He wanted to earn his keep rather than flaunt his wealth.  Perhaps he should donate some of it, or all of it, keeping just a bit for himself to maybe buy some wheels.  So that he wouldn't have to walk where he needed to be anymore.  All these thoughts twirling around in his head, he finally closed his eyes, and had a good night's sleep for the first time in almost eighteen years.

Waking up in a warm bed the next morning, being called down to breakfast and a steaming cup of coffee, had Harry smiling again from ear to ear.  This is what he had been missing all those years.  Reaching the bottom step, he smiled at Sirius and thanked him for the coffee.  Taking a sip of the hot beverage had him moaning in pleasure.  Sirius raised his eyebrows in question.

"I've only ever tasted coffee twice.  The first time was when the Dursleys were out for the day and I took a chance making myself some.  And the second time was when I was at school, and the one teacher Hagrid, made me a cup.  I fell in love with the taste ever since, but was never allowed to drink it", he explained.

Sirius shook his head in disgust.  "Well then, we will buy you every single flavor of coffee there is, and you have my full permission to rub their noses in it too", came the reply making Harry laugh out loud.  Now there was a sound that was almost foreign to him.  He liked the sound of it.  Harry usually slept naked, but for the sake of not giving Sirius a heart attack, had donned some boxer shorts on before descending the stairs.

They sat outside by the back garden, and were silent for a while, each enjoying their cup of heaven.  When Harry voiced something, Sirius remained quiet but with a smile.

"I need to find a job", said Harry.

Just like his father, thought Sirius.  "Your father James hated laziness as well.  He loathed it when he had nothing to do, so much so that he would start projects just to keep busy.  It  used to drive your mother wild", he said with a chuckle.

Harry knew he was going to hear all kinds of stories from the man sitting next to him and he couldn't wait.  From what type of people they were, to how they had met.  And he was going to love every single one.  After breakfast and laughter, he went for his shower, got dressed jeans and T shirt, finished off his look with boots and a belt, and made his way towards the many employment agencies.

Sirius had offered to take him but Harry had declined, saying that while he was thankful for everything so far, this was something that he wanted and needed to do alone.  Sirius accepted that, reminded him to make himself known at Coinage bank, and watched as the man walked up the street, and headed towards town.

The first agency that he approached was called - EXPERT @ EVERYTHING - so when Harry's name was called for his interview, he stepped inside a well furnished office and told the lady behind the desk what he could do, which was almost everything and what he couldn't.  She took notes, made scribbles, gave him some tips, asked a lot of questions, and finally took his number and said she had nothing at the moment, but she would be in touch.  Thanking her, Harry left with a smile, and a gut feeling that this wasn't so bad, it was going to be a good day.

The second agency, JOBMAIL, had practically the same response to him.  They loved the fact that he could do anything with his hands, because there was always someone looking for a hand to help around their offices.  The more Harry tried to convey that he didn't want to work inside, the less they heard him.  But another offer of a phone call was made that if something came up, they would contact him.  He thanked her as well, and moved on to the next agency.

HANDY FARMS was the name on the door.  There was a bell that tinkled when he opened it, and asked to see a representative who could assist him in finding a job.  The lady behind the desk took one look at him, and told him to sit and wait, her superior would be out shortly to interview him.  He sat down and waited.  The wait wasn't that long, and when he had been shown into an office and asked to sit down, a man started asking questions.

How old are you.  Where do you come from.  What is it that you can do.  What can't you do.  Where do you live.  Do you have transport.  And the questions just kept coming, and the answers were all the same.  Nothing yet, we'll let you know.  Don't call us, we'll call you type of attitude.  So much so, that Harry was starting to become despondent.  But he knew he couldn't give up, and made his way towards the last agency on his list.  

Harry told himself something then.  For every NO that he heard, meant that he had to be one step closer to a YES.  So with sheer determination, he marched on.

The name on the door of the final agency seemed more professional than the other three he had been to see, and hoped in his heart that here, he might just find something that would afford him a job and a steady income.  HEAD START, he read.  Pushing open the door, he took a seat after telling the lady at reception why he was here, and no he didn't have an appointment.  She smiled at him, and said that a representative would be with him shortly.

The lady went to the office of her boss, and told her that the most gorgeous hunk had just stepped through their doors, we just have to find him something.  Her boss, a young lady with pitch black hair that trailed down past her shoulders stood up and peered through the blinds at the man.  "Good lord, he is gorgeous.  Who is he?", she asked.  Daphne gave her the name.

"What can he do Daphne?", she asked.

Daphne shrugged her shoulders, she hadn't asked him yet.  "Take him to my other office, I will be with him shortly", said her boss.  Daphne did as she was told, and went back to her desk to drool over the hot guy that had graced their threshold.  When Harry heard the office door behind him open and close, he stood up to greet the one who was going to ask him all the boring questions that he had been asked already that day.

"Harry Potter?", she asked offering him a hand to shake.  

He took her hand and shook it, saying, "Yes Ma'am", and hoped that she would at least have some good news for him.

"Pleasure to meet you, my name is Pansy Parkinson", she said with a glint in her eyes.

"Now, tell me.  Do you know how to work with your hands?"

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