37. Eugene Rayne

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Eugene Rayne was not a man that was easily blown away or surprised.  He prided himself on always being one step ahead of the pack, and this alone is what made him the successful business man that he was.

So for Draco Malfoy to request an urgent appointment with him, just eight months after signing a new contract for the ranch, had him not only flabbergasted, but left him with a number of questions.  Mr Malfoy had told him that he wanted a new contract, and to include a partner who went by the name of Harry Potter.

Another client of his, Harry Potter had untold wealth, so this was not the issue for Eugene.  He also knew that after dealing with Potter, that the man hardly ever touched his accounts, and preferred to live off the interest quite comfortably.  Which was also not a problem.  

No, the problem was that Draco had said that after the new contract had been drawn up in both of their names, the mortgage would be paid up the same day!

This presented Eugene with untold stress.  He was the bank manager for a reason, and he also had a boss that he had to answer to.  The sole function of a bank was to make money, and if a mortgage bond was paid up, there would be no interest made, hence no money - profit - that the bank would be making.  And Eugene, who liked to make money, couldn't afford that.  There had to be some way that he could change their minds.

Or so he hoped.  He wasn't looking forward to the appointment, because try as he might, he had gone over every little detail with a fine tooth comb, and had found no loopholes.  If they walked in and paid the balance for the ranch in cash, there was nothing he could do about it.  Well, there was one thing, and he would suggest it.  He only prayed that they would bite the bullet, so to speak.

So, with files on his desk, a lit cigarette in his hand, he waited impatiently for 9am to arrive.  He had told his secretary - Cindy - that under no circumstances was he to be disturbed by phone calls, messages or anything else.  He had a presentation to make, and any interference was going to distract him.  And being a bank manager of his degree, he could not afford this.  She had arranged coffee for him and his clients, and had closed the door softly on her way out.

True to their word, Harry and Draco arrived at 9am sharp and were shown into his office by Cindy, who didn't even bother to announce them.  Her boss was agitated, and had been expecting them since forever.  He offered them chairs across from his table, and noticed that both men were dressed impeccably.  Suits and ties, and were those smiles on their faces?  He wasn't happy about them being happy, because it meant that his happiness had to take a back seat.

But first, he would let them talk, as he was wont to do, and then suggest what he thought was a win-win situation.  After coffee was poured, and handshakes were out of the way, he removed his own suit jacket and lit a cigarette.  Smoke curling around his face, he listened intently while the both of them spoke.

Both men telling him what the reason was behind them wanting to pay off the mortgage, and while he wasn't a conservative man, Eugene Rayne knew better than anyone what it felt like to get one over on someone.  He liked the pair in front of him, and when they had put their case forward, he felt his own facial features soften.  They were still his clients, and he intended to keep it that way.

"Thank you for your honesty gentlemen.  And let me say congratulations but while both of you are able to pay off the mortgage, you must understand my position.  Coinage bank has made almost no money with the contract on your ranch, which is why I would like to make a proposal to you", he said standing up.  He was standing in front of his windows, looking at the outside world with his hands in his pockets.

Harry and Draco looked at each other and smiled.  Without talking, because they knew that their news had come out of left field.  The bank had to make money on all their contracts, and it seemed that Coinage was no different.  So, they waited for him to continue.

Taking a deep breath, Eugene continued.  "What would you say if I told you that the piece of land next to your ranch is for sale?  Would you be interested in purchasing?", he asked, hoping for a yes.  He had to make his money back somehow.

"If you can guarantee us the best interest rate - the lowest interest rate - we would consider the purchase, yes", answered Draco.  "And we would honor the contract by not paying cash for it", he added with a smile.  

Eugene thought his heart rate was going to pick up drastically at those words, but he had to show them that he had control.  He turned back to the two men who were still seated, and lit another cigarette.  He swallowed and placed a file in front of them, wanting them to see what he already knew.

"I already had the contract drawn up for the new piece of land, in case you both wanted to go over it.  Included in the file are photos of the land, and all of it's structures.  But I have to be firm gentlemen, this particular offer is only on the table for 48 hours.  I need to know by the end of the business day on Thursday", he stated and gently tapped the file.

Harry picked it up and without opening it, said they would get back to him as soon as possible.  Then he took out an envelope from the pocket in his suit jacket that held the check inside, and put it in Eugene's hands.  It was to the balance of the mortgage, and when he opened it, he smiled.  That was a lot of money.

They both stood up and shook the bank manager's hand, thanking him for his time.  When they reached the door, Eugene felt the need to say one more thing.  And so he did.

"Mr Malfoy, Mr Potter.  I would like to come and see the ranch for myself some time, if that would be okay?".

"Of course", answered Harry.  Thanking him again, they left his office and made their way back home with a new file and a lot to discuss.

Eugene watched them leave the bank, and walk across the street to a Ford Mustang.  He went to his desk and called Cindy.  When she came inside, he gave her the check and told her that the mortgage to the Malfoy ranch was paid for, to please deposit it.

Yes, if it hadn't been said before, Eugene Rayne wasn't a man that was taken by surprise very often, but today had proved that there was a first time for everything.  He knew that both men were interested in the new piece of land, and couldn't wait to do more business with them.  They were thriving it seemed, and when the clients of Coinage bank thrived, well then, so did the bank.

And so did the bank manager.

And Eugene Rayne loved to thrive.

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