20. Don't Be A Cowboy

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Harry was by all means, and as nature intended, a born leader.  His own confidence would become stronger and shine through as the years went on, but for now, he had to let these people know who was boss.  It wasn't him, but they had to have someone to report to.  That way he could report to Mr Malfoy.  It was the way of the world.  It was how the food chain was linked together, it was in essence the circle of life.

When he saw that nobody else was making their way towards him, other than the five that were already here, he figured that those who had shown up were the crux of it.  He cleared his throat and started talking.

"Good morning.  My name is Harry Potter.  I have been appointed by Mr Malfoy to get this ranch running smoothly once again.  Now, since I don't know the history of the ranch, or of the people that work here, when we are done talking here, you will all have an opportunity to inform me.  

But I also called you here to say something to all of you.  It is going to take a lot of hard work, and a lot of dedication to be where we need to be, and we need to do it together.  I want you to consider us a family.  Family who work together can only come out winners, and I can't afford not to win.  We can't afford not to win.

I don't want any cowboys here.  If you can't see yourself taking orders from the new owner, if you don't want to be a part of this new family, if you don't see yourself working hard to achieve something new every day, then you need to clean out your living quarters and leave.

I need men and women who will use every single opportunity to bring out their best, and I want all of you to know that if you ever need anything.  Anything at all, you can knock on my door, and we can face the shit together.  Just please, for the love of God, don't be a bloody cowboy!", he said and ran a hand through his hair.

"Now.  I would like you to introduce yourselves, tell me what your job is here, and are you willing to become a part of the Malfoy family", he said sternly and waited for someone to start talking.

It was a black man.  He was about 36 years old, and he stepped forward and removed his hat out of respect.  "Morning Mr Potter Sir.  My name is Gabe, and I tend to the horses here.  I have done ever since Miss Bella hired me years ago.  I want to stay if that's all right.  I'm not scared of hard work", he said with pride.  

Harry smiled at him and offered him a hand to shake.  "Thank you Gabe", and asked him to stand beside him.  Then he waited for the next person to talk.  It was a young white man, who looked like he had a carrot stuck up his arse.  But that was pure nerves, Harry would find out later.  

"Morning.  My name is Warren, and I tend to the lawns and the pastures as well as the flowerbeds here.  Miss Bella appointed me about a year ago", he said with a nod.  

"And, are you going to stay Warren?", asked Harry in his husky voice.  Warren nodded and said yes sir.  Harry shook his hand too and he also went to stand beside Gabe.

Draco and Pansy were astounded at the way that he had called everyone together and was taking the time to get to know them.  He was doing what Draco hadn't even thought of.  The more the morning stretched on, the more people joined his ranks, and went to stand beside Potter.  Draco was smiling, Pansy was smirking and Harry was glowing.

There was a young lady of color, that was in charge of cleaning all the cottages of the staff members, and her name was Toni.  Harry assured her that she wouldn't have to clean his house, he could do that himself.  He asked if she was paid for her work, to which she replied no.  He asked her if she cleaned the main house, and again she said no.  There was a separate maid who cleaned the house.  Harry thanked her and asked to talk to her in private after they were done here.  

There was an older man, by the name of Teddy who was in charge of seeing that there was enough hay and food for the animals.  He basically took care of all the welfare of all of them.  But what he said next was shocking, not only to Harry, but to Draco as well.

"Mr Potter sir, I have been working here since I can remember.  If I am to be honest with you, I am tired.  I think I need to retire, and go and live with my daughter in Kensington.  I was thinking of telling the new owner at the end of the week", he said with a tired voice.

Harry thanked him and said that he also wanted to speak to him separately if that was all right, to which Teddy said that it was.  

The last person to step forward was another black man, whose name was Lee.  He was in charge of the upkeep of the structures, but because of the death of Miss Bella, he hadn't been given any funds to do his job.  Now he just aided the others when their workload got too much.  Harry said thank you to all of them, and said that they would convene every Monday morning at this exact same spot to go over what needed their immediate attention, and so they would be able to come up with a schedule that would be helpful to all of them.  

He turned around and faced the staff that had come to stand by his side, noticing that in the background, were Pansy and Mr Malfoy.

"Thank you.  I value your honesty and your dedication, and it will not go unnoticed, that I can guarantee you.  I just have one more thing to ask of you please.  There on the tree stump is a notebook.  Write down what times you do what, and also what you do for the rest of the day when your job is complete.  That way, we can work around what still needs to happen", he asked.

They all started to move towards the stump and Harry watched them, glad that he had gotten through to them.  "Harry!", exclaimed Pansy and walked up to him.  He smiled when he saw her arriving.  She opened her arms and he gave her a bear hug, all the while still smiling at what he had achieved.  "My God Potter, you sure know how to draw a crowd", she said with a chuckle.

He laughed at her, and said it had to be done.  "Mr Malfoy and I were working on a schedule, but we didn't exactly come up with anything concrete.  This way, he will know who is working for him, what they do, and what their wages should be.  It will make my job to make a schedule so much easier", he said with finality.

She looked at him and smiled.  "I never thanked you, you know", he said suddenly, watching as the workers were mulling around the notebook.  

"Thank me for what exactly?", she asked.

"For giving me a chance at an interview", he said with sincerity.  She smiled back at him, and she put her arm through his.  He covered her hand with his, and said thank you very softly.  But it occurred to him, that it might look like he was flirting with her, and she belonged to the boss, so after taking a look at Malfoy, he stepped out from where her arm was, and said he had to leave.  She got the message, and was going to laugh herself into a coma when she told Draco.

Draco in the meantime had been watching the whole interaction.  Did Potter fancy Pansy?  It certainly looked like it, he thought with a huff.  She walked back to him and laughed at the look on his face.  She snorted while she was laughing, because she couldn't contain her words and so just blurted it out.  "My God the two of you are so thick", she said, making Draco grimace and frown at the same time.

"Pansy Parkinson.  What are you talking about?", he demanded.  

"Hahahaha, he thought you were getting angry with him for touching me, because he thinks I belong to you.  And you think he actually likes me, when he doesn't.  Well, not in that way at least", and she continued laughing at the idiot who was her friend.  Draco stayed silent for a while, and she carried on talking. 

"It's your own fault you know.  Telling him that I am your everything.  Although I am flattered, but perhaps you should tell him that I'm not your everything in that department", she said with a giggle.  

"I don't know what you're talking about Pans", he scoffed.

"Right.  Of course you don't", she replied with a smirk.  

"He's gay you know", she said after a while.

Jesus, was Pansy trying to give him a heart attack?  "What was it that Potter said?  Ah yes, I don't want any cowboys here.  Stop trying to be a bloody cowboy and play matchmaker Pans.  He works for me, and besides, he wouldn't look twice at me", he said with sadness.  They made their way back towards the house, where when they were inside, Pansy was going to ask him what he meant by those words.

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