15. Horses & Waterfalls

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Draco couldn't sleep.  Earlier that day after Harry had left, he and Pansy had indeed had a very deep discussion about the man and how he had handled his interview as well as Betty the cow.  As if he had been sent to them, like he was going to be the saving grace for King Ranch.  

Pansy had enjoyed teasing him about the fact that she hadn't seen the familiar look of hunger in Draco's eyes for a while now, and he had to keep reminding her that he was going to be the man's boss, get a grip Pansy, for God's sake! 

All things considered, they both agreed on one thing.  Harry Potter was the perfect man for the job, even if he had said so himself.  They had gone out for dinner that night, so that Draco could thank her for her time and candidates, and after filling their stomachs with smoked gammon and red wine, they left for their separate homes.

Another thing that was keeping Draco awake was the name of the ranch.  King had been a horse of his Aunt Bella, and while she had been alive, the name was fitting.  But it didn't sit right with him.  It was definitely time for a change.  He was the owner and could do this, although he would have to let the bank manager, Eugene Rayne, know beforehand.  So that the contracts would have to be drawn up again.

The financial side as well as the hired help was taken care of, now all he had to do was get down to the gritty part of deciding what animals he wanted to keep.  He had cattle, and while he was thankful for that, he still wanted more.  He wanted horses, dogs and cats.  Maybe even some geese and chickens.  He would think about it.  The structures needed work first though, it most certainly wouldn't help if he wanted to care for animals, when he couldn't care for the house.

He wanted a swimming pool, and a large area when, if he had guest over, they could all laze around the pool on a hot summer's day.  He knew that there were waterfalls on the property, because his Aunt Bella had taken him there often to watch the different colors in the water, as it crashed down on the rocks and into the pool below.  


Draco sat up suddenly with an epiphany, a smile ghosting across his beautiful face.  He knew exactly what he had to do.  Lying back down, he hugged a pillow to his chest and thought of Pansy's words about him showing hunger.  It had been a long time since he had invited anyone to his bed.  And he had his reasons.

About a year ago, he had been, what he thought, madly in love with a man called Theo Nott.  They seemed perfect for each other, their relationship progressing slowly, with Draco scared to give too much of himself to the other man.  That all changed one day, when Theo lost his temper, because Draco refused to give him sex.  He kept saying that he wasn't ready.  

They had only been going out for about 4 months, and asked if Theo would please just be patient with him.  There was no reason for him to be scared, nothing nefarious had ever happened to him, he just wasn't comfortable yet.  To his surprise Theo had accepted his answer and apologized.  He told Draco that he had to work late that night, he would visit him again tomorrow, and Draco had nodded and kissed him goodnight.

But later on that same day, Draco felt bad for turning Theo away.  In his heart, he felt that what he was doing to Theo wasn't fair, and so set out to go and tell him that he was sorry, and maybe they should go all the way.  Perhaps he was just being silly, and it was time to take the next step.  Happy with his decision, he arrived at Theo's house and let himself in with his key.  The house was silent, and he recalled that Theo said he had to work late.

But that didn't make sense, because his car was in the driveway.  Maybe he had come home to pick up some papers, thought Draco.  And wanting to be as quiet as possible, started to climb the stairs, where he would probably find Theo in his office.  Just then he heard a voice, and it was male.  'Fuck yes, just like that baby', and he tilted his head in confusion.

Was the television on, and what the fuck was he watching?  He found himself standing in front of the door to Theo's bedroom and put his ear against it.  Again he heard the voice that he didn't know.  'Yes, Jesus fuck, almost there', and without his brain even comprehending what it was he possibly could find inside, opened the door and saw something that he had never imagined.

There on the bed, was Theo with his cock buried deep inside another man's arse.  Theo raised his hand and slapped the man, making him cry out 'I'm coming, oh fucking shit, I'm coming', and did exactly that, making Theo cry out at him too, 'Your arse is amazing, as always', and then stilled before they both slumped down onto the mattress.  It was also the exact time that when they did fall down, that Draco had found his voice.

"And here I thought you were so desperate for my arse, but thank God I never gave it to you", and he stormed out of the room, slamming the door behind him.  Theo had ran after him, calling his name, but Draco knew that he was better than the trashy side of both men he had just seen, and kept on going until he reached his car.  When he got inside, he spun his wheels and sped away as if the devil himself was chasing him.

Theo had tried on numerous occasions to contact Draco and get hold of him, but to no avail.  Draco just wasn't interested in fixing any of it.  There had been letters and phone calls, but Draco ignored them all.  And when Theo finally got the message that he no longer felt the same, the letters and the phone calls stopped coming. 

Before he closed his eyes to go to sleep, he kept hearing two words that would become the favorite thing about his life.  And it was on repeat.







That was the new name of the ranch.  Anyone who didn't like it could fuck off.

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