31. Healing Old Scars

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The fever had Harry in such a tight grip that Draco and Pansy refused to leave his side until it showed signs of leaving him.  The first thing they had to do was put some boxers on Harry, because they didn't want Harry or themselves to feel uncomfortable.  This was easier said than done, but it was decided that Pansy would be the one to do this.  Cock didn't turn her on, and she would be far more gentle with him anyway.

After this had been achieved, she and Draco removed all the bedding that was surrounding him, and they managed to lay him down on his sofa.  Toni had washed new linen, and so his mattress was turned, and new crisp sheets were used to make his bed.  She also opened all the windows in the house, so that the coolness from outside could come in, and at least try to get rid of some of the heat.

While she was making the bed, Pansy had taken a huge bowl of cool water mixed with vinegar, and had wiped Harry down with it.  The acid in the vinegar would be a start to get rid of the fever, and although it wouldn't cure it, it would help a little.  She did this twice, each time with new water, and when she was satisfied, she had Lee and Warren lift him back up and put him in his bed.

Pansy noticed that Draco was quiet throughout everything, and watching the people who were carrying Harry intensely.  She frowned at that, but would talk to him later when they were alone.  Toni and the others had brought all the medicine needed to take care of Harry, and then had left to go about their chores.  All of them offering to do some of what Harry would have been doing it it were not for the fever.

When they were alone, Pansy looked at Draco with a knowing look.  Then she followed his gaze where it was on Harry's body, where he was lying on his stomach.  

She had to admit that it was spectacular.  He was well chiseled, muscular, thick strong legs, and what looked like a gorgeous rock hard arse.  The phoenix tattoo on his back was striking.  The red tips of the bird's wings was definitely the most eye catching of the whole piece.  The bright yellow beak that was open as if it were screeching was just below his shoulder blades, and Pansy wondered if the piece had a hidden meaning.

But that was not all they saw.  There were faint marks on his lower back, towards the top of his arse, that looked like they had come from a hiding.  They weren't ridged, and they were long in length, leading Draco to believe that they had come from some type of strap or belt maybe.  Then just at the top his right shoulder was a tiny scar, and you could just make out the outlines of stitches.  On his left hand in line with his thumb, was the word Liar.  Neither of them had seen it before, which explained the reason for him wearing fingerless gloves when he worked.

And then of course, he had the lightning bolt scar on his forehead, and Pansy and Draco realized that they knew nothing about this man.  What had caused all these scars on his body.  Harry never talked about himself, always wanting to know more about others.  The way he would go out of his way to make conversation, be kind and offer his assistance in anything.  

It had been two days since Harry had been found, and eventually his fever had broken during the night.  Now he was sleeping soundly in a freshly made bed, thanks to Toni, and Draco and Pansy had come to tend to him again.  They were taking turns in the evenings, looking after him.  Last night it had been Pansy's turn, and she told Draco that he needed to go for a shower and get some sleep.  She would let him know if anything changed.  But she hadn't, leaving him to sleep and then wake up to the good news that Harry was going to be okay.

Draco came in and took a seat next to the bed.  Seeing the man still in his slumber, he looked at him and blurted out, "I slapped him the night of the party.  I slapped him and I insulted him", said Draco with tears in his eyes.  He looked at Pansy, and knew that he had to tell her everything.  

"I was so mad Pans.  First he kisses me then he doesn't explain his actions, and stays away from me.  As if he is sorry that it happened.  Then if you can believe it, Theo comes to the fucking party, and had the audacity to tell me that he wanted to talk and explain why he had cheated on me.  But Theo was being an arsehole and had pinned me to the wall, trying to.....I don't even know what he wanted to do.  All I know is that Potter found us like that, pulled Theo off me, and warned Theo to leave or he would hurt him.  I was so embarrassed that it was him that found me like that.  I told him, he is nothing more than hired help, and he shouldn't treat my guests like shit.  And then I slapped him", he said.

"And all he was concerned about was if I was all right", he said with a sigh.  Glad that he was finally speaking about it, even if it wasn't with Harry.  She looked at him and took hold of his hand.  "I'm going to say something and you are not going to interrupt me all right?", she stated, and waited until he nodded his head in agreement.

"Theo was a piece of shit.  He treated you like shit, and the only thing that was your saving grace, that got you out of that relationship, is that you had the balls to go and apologize to him.  For something that you should never apologize for.  Saying no to him, because all he wanted to do was fuck you.  If you hadn't done that, you would never have found him with the other guy.  I for one am glad you never gave yourself to him, because how many times have I told you that he uses people for his own amusement Draco?".

He swallowed, nodded his head and sighed again.  

But Pansy wasn't done.

"If you could apologize to the total piece of crap that Theo is, why can't you apologize to Harry, who has been nothing but kind and courteous to you?  Draco, I have seen the way you look at him, and I told you the other day, it's been a long time since I have seen that look in your eyes.  You want him.  And that's okay.  Stop throwing it in his face that all he is, is the hired help, when we both know that he is more than that.  

You're pissed because he didn't explain his actions, but have you ever stopped to think, that maybe he thinks that you deserve better.  Someone better than him.  And may I remind you that you never spoke to him after the kiss either, and perhaps he thinks that you are revolted at him kissing you?", she asked with soft smile.

What Pansy was saying made sense.  He would take the time and talk to Potter, and ask him what he wanted.  "I'll speak to him when he's feeling better.  I just want to apologize for being a dick to him.  God, he's turned me into a bloody sap Pansy", he said with a choke, knowing that the goodness in Harry was what made his world a better place.  

Pansy rubbed his back and said, "We all have skeletons Draco, and the only way you are going to accept yours living in your closet, is to embrace them, but maybe take the time to ask Harry what he wants, and when you have that answer, you will know how to embrace his".  

Draco looked at Harry again, and it seemed that he was stirring in his sleep.  He hoped that Harry hadn't heard what they were talking about, because he really wanted to tell Harry in his own words.  And he couldn't wait to do that.

What had Harry said at the waterfall?  

That Draco would never lose the ranch, not if he had anything to do with it.  Did that mean that he was going to stay forever, and be there for him in all ways and always.  He couldn't wait for Harry to wake up.  Pansy had left a short while ago, and had left him to stay with Harry.

"Harry, please wake up, I have so much to tell you", he said taking Harry's hand and giving it a squeeze.  And when he felt a squeeze back, he knew that they were going to be okay.

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