16. A New Start

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It was a day for shopping.  Sirius and Harry had risen early and decided that they would have breakfast in town at a diner.  They made their way in Sirius' truck, and stopped at a place called 'Lucky Joe's'.  They went inside, and their cups were immediately filled with hot coffee and a waitress by the name of Ginny served them.   She took their orders, and quite unashamedly tried flirting with Harry, until Sirius got fed up and told her to leave his boyfriend alone.  Which of course made Harry laugh, and feel sorry for the redhead girl.

Grilled bacon and cheese sandwiches, served with chips and a huge dollop of tomato sauce, had their stomachs full in no time.  Taking yet another serving of coffee to finish off the meal, they paid and left soon after.  During the ride to the stores where Harry was going to purchase all of his goodies that he was going to be needing, Sirius asked him a question.

"You never told me who the owner of the ranch is Har.  Who is going to be your boss?", he asked.  

"Oh.  Um, it's Draco Malfoy", he replied, not really knowing why his godfather wanted to know.  He saw Sirius nod his head slowly and said he had heard of the Malfoy family.  Very prominent, affluent, rich, and whatnot.  "He's a good looking guy", he said with a smirk.

Harry blushed and turned to face the window.  Yes he was a good looking guy, but he wasn't going to tell Sirius that!  

"Holy shit, you're blushing Har!", said Sirius with a laugh.

"What!  I am not blushing, and besides, he's going to be my boss.  He'll be on top of me", he said and blushed again realizing what he just said.  "Oh shit, I didn't mean...."

Sirius laughed again and said, "I pictured you as the top actually", making Harry laugh out loud as well.

"I am the top you prat!  I just meant that...." he stuttered.

"I know.  Just be careful okay.  Don't go breaking any hearts, and for the love of fuck, don't let him break yours", said Sirius.

"I'm there to work Pads, not fall in love", he said sternly.  Harry would like nothing more than to find someone who he could dote on and call his, but now was not the time, and Draco Malfoy was certainly not the man.  Not that he didn't consider him lover or boyfriend material, but it wouldn't be pertinent, seeing as he was going to be working for the man.

They arrived at their first stop which was a linen shop, and Harry chose three different bedding sets, along with new pillows and blankets.  He kept it plain and simple, sticking to neutral colors of black, white and grey.  Nothing too loud, and happy with his purchases, they left to go and see how they were going to increase his wardrobe.

The shop - FOR ALL OCCASIONS - was buzzing with customers, but they soon dived in and walked towards the rack where all the denims were hanging.  The salesman, who went by the name of Andrew, assisted Harry in his purchases, and soon his arms were heavy with everything that he had chosen.  There were blue denims, one for every work day, and then there were blue, black and white denims if he ever had the chance to go out.  T shirts to work in, and dress shirts that he would wear when he wasn't working.

A total of twenty T shirts, fifteen pairs of socks, two pairs of work boots, and seven pairs of jeans for the working man, and an array of a whole new smart wardrobe for the man who, if and when he was awarded a day off, could dress up.  Harry was happy with his choices, as was the salesman that was helping him.  He had tried to strike up a conversation with Harry, and Harry being the kind man that he was, talked back to him.

After that, they left for a supermarket, to buy the toiletries that Harry had said he needed.  He also put some snacks in the trolley as well as two cases of bottled water.  Harry loved water, and because he was the type of man to sweat whenever he did physical work, he had to have a lot in his fridge.  When all their purchases were done, they went for lunch.  Which was at a small intimate place called LUNA LOVE, and sat down to order.

They were served by the owner herself, a small petite woman with long blond hair and blue eyes.  On the menu was something that Harry was familiar with, but not many people knew how to make it.  Oxtail Stew.  He decided he was going to take a chance and try it, hoping that he would not be disappointed.  Sirius had ordered the pork chop grilled platter, consisting of pork chops, pork rashers, two slices of bacon, and a baked potato topped with sour cream.  Meals fit for kings.

The oxtail was perfect.  Soft, succulent, and spiced just right.  He complimented Luna on the amazing meal, making her smile in all knowing way.  She was no stranger to food, as it had been  her passion since she had been a young girl.  Her father had taught her well, she said.  Harry smiled and asked Sirius if his meal was all right.  The greasy look around his lips told Harry that it was, and he just nodded in agreement.

The time had come for them to go home, and pack all of Harry's things away in boxes.  Sirius had said that he was going to take Harry's things to the ranch in his truck, so best to pack now, and that way they could relax and spend some more time together before he had to leave tomorrow.

The packing went slow, with them sharing a six pack of beer, but all things considered they were at least finished before 7pm.  They had lined the boxes in the hallway, and finally sat down to have a well deserved break.  "I'm going to miss this", said Harry softly. 

Sirius looked at him with a raised brow as if to ask what exactly.

"All of this.  You and I spending time together, the eating out, going to the shops together, everything", he said.

"You're going to be too busy to miss it Har.  But if it's any consolation, I will be coming to visit you.  If it's allowed, I mean", he answered.

"It better be allowed, you're family", he said back.  "But give me a chance to get acquainted, and I'll personally come and fetch you", he said with a smile.

Sirius smiled back.  "Well, not too soon, I am going to be busy with Grimmauld Place too, God knows that house needs some serious attention.  But stay in touch, and we can decide on a date together.  Perhaps I can even come and stay over, or you can on a weekend off", he offered.

Harry nodded.  He would like nothing more, but he knew that a day off, never mind a weekend, would not be on the cards for a while.  The ranch really needed his focus right now, and he wasn't going to ask for anything after just having started there.  They finished their beer, and made themselves a light sandwich for supper.  

After which, they both went for their showers, and hit their pillows in sheer exhaustion.  They would worry about days off and whatnot another day, because right now, all that mattered was the tiredness in their bones, and the excitement creeping into their veins at the new chapters that each man was going to experience.  

It was a new start for the both of them, and they would embrace it together.  

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