43. Betty & The Photo Album

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With his father's arrest and the new barn slowly coming coming back to life, Draco's heart felt lighter.  He and Harry had gone to sign the new contract for the adjoining piece of land, and two new staff members were hired to help get rid of the rubble that was in the way.  

They had also asked Narcissa to sell the Manor and move in, and after giving it quite a bit of thought, did exactly that.  But not without going to see Lucius in prison and tell him this in person.  Which she enjoyed quite thoroughly.

New structures were being built there, but not for them to live in.  Draco had been told the whole heartbreaking story of how Harry had lived in his earlier years, of being locked away in a cupboard, the abuse and the starvation, and he wanted to prevent that from ever happening to anyone else.  He knew he couldn't save the world, but at least it would be a start.  When he had told Harry about his idea, the gentle giant got tears in his eyes, and kissed him non stop.

It was a brilliant idea.  They were going to build a home for destitute children.  Abused or abandoned, they would always have a home here.  They hadn't completely decided on a name for it, but knew that it would come to them.  

Harry was overseeing the building of the new barn as well as keeping his eye on the new piece of land that was under construction.  They worked tirelessly for months, and before you knew it, almost six months after the barn had been set on fire, the results were astonishing.  The new barn had been built even bigger than before, housing all the hay and gardening tools.  It had also been given a thick layer of fire repellent paint on the outside.

The home on the new land for children had fourteen bedrooms and ten bathrooms.  There were two floors, and also housed a huge kitchen, a play area, a lounge, and a large swimming pool.  The grass that had been planted was coming along nicely, and pretty soon it would be as green as Harry's eyes.  They had put an advertisement out in all the papers about what the home stood for, and said that any donations were welcome.

Their world was coming together in a way that neither men had ever expected.  In each other they found comfort and love, something that they had never found with their so called families.  Harry officially moved out of his cottage and moved into the main house with Draco, and on their alone days, when they had given the staff off, they would have picnics at their waterfall after a vigorous horse ride.  All the while enjoying each other bodies, whether it was hard and rough fucking, or slow and easy love making.

Betty the cow had been moved to the new property to graze on pastures there, making way for other cattle on the ranch.  So new animals were purchased, as well as two new horses.  They were named Princess and Giant, depicting Draco and Harry.  They were also held on the new land, and would also be used in the rehabilitation of bonding with the children.  It was to be a home filled with love and fantasies.

It was on a Sunday, that Pansy had invited Narcissa, their bank manager Eugene, and her girlfriend Celine, to a luncheon, that had everyone raising their eyebrows.  She said she had a gift for the two men who had changed each other's lives for the better, and she wanted to show it off.  So, a table was set on the lawn just in front of the new structure, and the foods that she had laid out were spectacular.

There were lamb chops grilled to perfection, and steaks that had been crumbed and deep fried.  There was an assortment of sausages, as well as chicken kebabs and mince pies.  There was potato salad, carrot salad, and a pasta salad that had a hint of a curry flavor.  There was asparagus, there was stuffed tomatoes, and finally there were meatballs.  Each had their own flavored dip.

For dessert, there was ice cream, jelly and custard, peppermint crisp tart, chocolate cake, and vanilla cupcakes.  There was also a strawberry filled red velvet pudding, that had everyone's mouth watering at the sight.  It was truly a meal to remember, which had everyone asking, what exactly were they celebrating.  Pansy told them all to be patient, she would be telling them soon.  She was just waiting on one more guest.

Her words weren't even cold, when they all heard the honk of a car horn, and watched as the driver waved at them.  Draco frowned, he didn't recognize the car, but when his good friend, Blaise stepped out, he smiled widely.

He greeted everyone with a hug, and when he got to Harry, he said quite loudly, "Fuck you're gorgeous, in case I haven't told you before", making Harry blush and Draco scowl.  

"Hands off Blaise", Draco said with no malice whatsoever.

"Thought you said he wasn't one of your accomplishments Draco", he said with a wink.  

Then he said to Harry, "Does this mean you're officially off the market handsome?".

Harry laughed and said yes.  Draco was the love of his life, which made Draco blush and kiss him in front of everyone just to prove what Harry had said was true.  After everyone took their seats, Pansy poured champagne for them and asked them to raise their glasses.  She stood up and winked at Blaise.  He had been in on her plan right from the start.

"Harry, Draco.  I am so happy that you two found each other.  When you applied for a position at my agency, I knew you were going to be the right man for the job, and change Draco's life.  I just never imagined that it would be on this scale.  So Harry, thank you.  Thank you for your hard work, your dedication to the ranch, to the animals and the staff, and most of all to Draco.  God knows he can be a handful, but you seem to know how to handle him.  And Draco, you and I have been friends forever, and I am so thankful that you have found your other half.  Through all your highs and lows, you and I have been inseparable.  The only way forward from here is up, and I know that you and Harry will make the most of the new land, and offer everything you have to the children that come knocking on your door.  I also hope that you know that I will be with you both, every step of the way", she said with tears in her eyes.

It seemed that her words had hit home, because everyone had a lump in their throat.  But, after taking a sip from her glass, she continued. 

"Blaise, Narcissa and I thought to make you a gift.  Originally, it was only going to be for Draco, but with you two becoming one, it belongs to the both of you.  I had so much fun making it, and hope you have as much fun reading it", and she bent down to collect a gift that had been sitting on her chair.  It looked like a book of sorts, but when Harry told Draco to open it, they could see that it was a photo album.

From start to finish, from purchase to rebuild, were photos of the ranch.  How they had grown, and at times there were pictures of Harry and Draco.  Separate and together.  The staff doing their chores, Toni hanging up the washing, the dogs licking Harrys face making him laugh, Harry throwing a bucket of water on the burning barn, Draco on a horse, the both of them kissing, Jack and Abby sitting next to each other, waiting for their dinner.  Every single moment had been captured for them, and they loved it.

They both rose up and gave her a hug, thanking her without words.  It was a beautiful moment, and after that, they dug in to the elaborate meal that had been prepared.  It was hours later that everyone had left, including Pansy thanking her for a wonderful day.

Betty had a new home, and the photo album would be theirs to treasure always.  Harry suggested that they have all of the photos enlarged and framed, to hang in the new home, telling a story of how they made it.  Draco agreed.

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