25. Thriving

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Four months had passed since Harry had started at the ranch, and it was thriving.  A new horse was purchased, and given the name Lightning, as well as a few head of cattle.  Betty was still in the pastures and corral in all her glory, and Harry loved chatting to her every morning.  She made sounds of approval when he did that, but went on grazing just the same, making Harry laugh every time.

The men were doing their jobs perfectly and Toni had been given a new reason to live.  She was still allowed to stay on the ranch, and her duties had her days busy.  Harry had offered her the position of cottage maid, meaning that she had to clean the cottages still, but would receive payment for it.  The only cottage that she didn't have to clean was his, but she insisted.  Without him, she would have been asked to leave, and she couldn't afford that.

Harry accepted this, and always paid her a little extra out of his own pocket without anyone knowing.  He had spoken to Draco about her employment and they agreed for her to stay.  She did the washing and the ironing as well, and she was thankful.  

A few days after the fainting incident, Mr Malfoy had called all the workers together and said that he would like to get even more animals, was that going to be a problem.  They all said no and asked what he was going to get, to which he replied with a smile - something that you almost never see on his face - that he wanted a dog.

This had come after Harry had suggested that he get one, if not only for security purposes, then at least a companion on lonely days.  Draco had been intrigued and said he would think about it.  And apparently he had.  He just had no idea what to get.  When he had spoken to the workers, telling him that he was going to get one, Harry smirked and Draco almost came in his pants.  Then he did a very brave thing and asked Harry if he would accompany him in choosing one.

They had left early in the morning, Draco in his Ford, and Harry on his bike.  Draco made sure that Harry rode up in front, so as to keep his eyes on that rock hard arse, because he was smitten.  He just wasn't ready to share his news with anyone, and so kept his lustful thoughts to himself.  They had returned later that day with not one but two puppies.  Golden retrievers, one male and one female.

They were given names by Draco, calling them Jack and Abby.  Harry smiled at the names, and they soon became friends with everyone on the ranch.  They were especially friendly with Harry, because he always had time to play with them, which pissed Draco off a lot of times, but other times he would just sit back and laugh at the way that they would bite his heels when he wasn't giving them his attention.

Hearing Harry laugh was a sound that Draco had become accustomed to.  He always wanted to hear it, and it had started to soften his heart.  Something that Pansy also noticed.  She would tease him often, making him blush and then leave so that he could pout in silence.  They were sitting on the porch one Sunday afternoon, when she decided to voice something.  Sipping her ice cold glass of lemonade, she turned to him and simply said.

"He looks at you, you know".

Draco raised an eyebrow at her.  He knew who she was referring to.  "No he doesn't", he scoffed.  "And even if he did, he's probably thinking of a way to ask me for more wages", he said with a huff.  He had noticed that Harry did most of the work on the ranch, and yes he was paid more, it was his right.  

"Or maybe, he thinks you're beautiful and he can't take his eyes off you", she offered, batting her eyelashes at him, making him drop his head and smile shyly.  

One could only wish!  He decided fuck it, he was going to tell her something.  "One night, I couldn't sleep.  I came outside to get some fresh air, and I saw him sitting on his porch drinking a beer.  He didn't have a shirt on.  He obviously couldn't sleep either, because he took Trinity out that night for a ride.  I think he went to the waterfall.  He came back all sweaty and out of breath, and when he groomed the horse, he kept saying thank you, and they'll go back for a swim.  I don't know of he's ever been back though".

"Maybe you should offer to go with him, or better yet, invite him to go with you", she said with a smile.  Draco's eyes went wide at those words, because what the fuck!  "Invite him?", he asked just to be sure.  "Are you out of your ever loving lesbian mind?", he asked.  She giggled and said, "No.  The both of you are so stupid, and are wasting so much time, it's quite pathetic really", and with that she stood up and went inside, the heat getting too much for her.

Draco turned his gaze to his workers once again, and noticed that Harry was sitting on the lawn, playing with the puppies.  The man looked stunning in the sunlight, his broad back and his shoulders a glowing bronze from being in the sun every day, causing the dark red and black tattoo to stand out even more.  

Harry felt eyes on him and raised his head to see that Draco Malfoy was checking him out.  He kept his gaze on his boss, licked his lips and let his own eyes roam over the body of the man that had him panting and wanking most nights.  Not that anyone needed to know that about him.  His eyes found those of silver again, and he swallowed, hoping that his boss couldn't see that his cock was starting to get hard again.  

It was Draco who broke the connection, by standing up and going inside.  Because those fucking eyes had his cock at half mast already, and he really had to curb his thoughts.  Either that or go and wank, like countless times before.  Groaning, he realized that perhaps Pansy was right.  Maybe he was being an idiot, and maybe he was wasting time, and maybe he was spending too much time hoping and fantasizing.  

And maybe, just maybe, he was just a coward.

After he had left to go inside, Harry saw that a vehicle was coming up the drive.  A man was sitting behind the wheel.  He had long blond hair and black leather gloves on his hands.  He had no idea who this was, but thought it his duty to welcome the guest, so he put his shirt back on and made his way towards him.

The man got out of the car and studied Harry with his blue eyes.  "Ah, you must be the hired help", he said and held out his hand.

Harry took offence to that title, but he didn't let it show.  He looked at the hand, and took it saying, "Harry Potter.  Head rancher", and then took his hand away fast.  As if the man was going to bite him.  Something about him was familiar, but Harry couldn't place it.  Yet.  

"Lucius Malfoy", he said to introduce himself.  

Ah yes, thought Harry.  This was Draco's father.  But what was he doing here?

"Can I help you with anything, or shall I go and get Mr Malfoy?", he asked, looking back to the house.  

"No.  That won't be necessary, I am merely here to check up on his progress.  Every quarter I come and take photos to see if he can do what needs to be done.  But we both know that he doesn't have much time left.  It would be a pity if he lost to me, wouldn't it Mr Potter", he spat out.  He took out his camera and started clicking away, while Harry was walking behind him asking all sorts of questions.

"Progress?  What do you mean if he lost to you?", he asked with trepidation.  Malfoy senior ignored him and carried on with taking pictures.  "Mr Malfoy, what did you mean when you said he doesn't have much time left?", he tried again.  But the man, along with his camera, was silent.  When he was done, he pocketed the camera, and walked back to his car, the whole time with Harry trailing after him, trying to get answers.

When they reached his car, he turned around and said, "You'll see Mr Potter.  My son is a failure at everything.  And when he fails at this, which he no doubt will do, I will be here to tell him that I warned him.  Good day", and he climbed into his car and drove away without any further explanation.

Harry was seething.  Who the fuck did this man think he was.  He didn't know what kind of relationship Draco had with his father, and quite frankly it irked him that his father would think so little of his own son.  Draco hadn't done any physical work no, but he had given his all to make this ranch a better place.  He needed answers, and the only one who might be able to talk to him, was the boss himself.

He turned on his heel, and pounded on the front door, demanding to be let in, there was a serious matter to discuss.

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