27. Pansy Pays Attention

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It had been a week since Harry had kissed Draco, and both men were avoiding each other, which was driving Pansy and the rest of the workers insane.  They had seen the chemistry between the two men, and really hoped they got their shit together, because the tension was enough to make anyone lose their sanity.  Not that Harry and Draco were paying attention to anyone else's sanity but their own, because sweet baby Jesus, that kiss had been wonderful. 

Draco just wasn't sure if he wanted to forget it or if he wanted to make Harry feel like a worm for making him feel this way.  So he came up with the idea of inviting people around for a party, a house warming type thing, hoping to take his mind off from those lips that had almost destroyed him.  He could still taste Harry on his lips the next morning, and groaned at the memory of how he had been held while his mouth had been pulverized.  He also thought that Harry was sorry that it had happened.  Why else would he stay away after kissing him.  His body had responded to Harry, and it seemed that the head rancher was repulsed at what he had done.

Harry was the face of Horses and Waterfalls, and he would have no problem telling him that.  So, with invites sent, alcohol purchased, and decorations hung, they waited for 6pm when the first guests would be arriving on the cool Saturday evening.  Pansy had told him that perhaps he should invite Harry, if not for personal reasons, but maybe as extra security.  Draco scoffed at her and asked what threat could possibly visit him in his home.

And so it was.  Harry had seen the flurry of activity that had started earlier that morning, and wondered what was going on.  Pansy had gone to him earlier in the day, and had asked him to put up the fairy lights to light up the driveway for the party.  Harry had to admit that he was a bit put out at not being invited, but then he had to remind himself that he was not a friend.  He was an employee.  And the kiss that he and Draco had shared should never have happened.  He wasn't sorry that it did, but the man was his boss.  End of story.

Maybe he would take Ruby out for a long drive, they hadn't spent time together in a while now, he thought with fondness.  When the last light had been connected, he walked to the kitchen of the main house to go and flick the switch.  When he walked in, he saw Draco leaning on his arms on the kitchen counter, as if he were lost.  He badly wanted to reach out and ask if everything was all right, but he just couldn't find the words.

"Harry!", shrieked Pansy from the adjoining lounge area, opening her arms for a hug.  He looked at her, at the same time that Draco lifted his head.  Then he looked at his boss, then back at her, and for a moment it seemed like he was a deer caught in the headlights.  

Pansy didn't know what had happened between them, but she was getting sick and tired of them playing footsie with each other.  It had to come to an end, for God's sake.  "What's going on?", she asked, dropping her arms.

Harry cleared his throat and wanted to voice about him needing to test the fairy lights, when Draco spoke in a snotty voice, "He was just leaving, weren't you Potter.  Go on, run away like you always do".  

Harry replied in a whisper, "Sorry, I just wanted to test the lights for your party", and showed Pansy where the switch was, and if it didn't work to let him know.  She said she would, and he left quite quickly after that.

"What the fuck is wrong with you?", she shouted out at Draco.  Draco knew Pansy was going to shout at him until he told her, and if he did, she was going to shout anyway.  So he did what he always did, when he needed advice.  He told her everything.  And exactly what he thought would happen, happened.  She scolded him at talking to Harry like he was nothing, and told him that she was going to give Harry a piece of her mind too.  Draco begged her not to let him know that they had kissed, he couldn't bare it.

"Maybe he thinks he overstepped a boundary Draco.  You are his boss, and perhaps he thought he was going to be - I don't know - fired or reprimanded.  You two need to talk about it, but first you need to decide what you want.  And you need to tell him that", she said sternly and left the kitchen, slamming the door behind her on her way out.  Now, time to find Potter, who she knew was sulking, because she had seen him do it many times.

She found him at the end of the meadow with Jack and Abby.  He was lying on his back, while the two pups were climbing on top of his chest licking his face, trying to soothe away some of his hurt.  As if they knew what was bothering him.  And animals have that uncanny ability to do just that, take your hurt and turn it into laughter.  But Harry was far away from laughing, he wanted to sulk.  He wanted to brood, and no one, not even the pups would stop him.  He saw a shadow approach him, and sat up.

"Harry", she said slowly and sat down beside him.  When one of the pups climbed into her lap, she smiled and scratched his head.  "Draco told me what happened between the two of you", she said.  

Harry just looked in front of him, and found that he felt no shame.  He would never be ashamed of who he was, he just didn't know how to deal with it.  The kiss itself hadn't been a mistake, it hadn't felt wrong, the only thing that was on his mind was that Draco was his boss, and he didn't think that Draco would welcome being seen with the help.  That and the fact that he had just told Harry to leave his house anyway.  Snotty bastard.

He voiced his thoughts to Pansy, and when he had, she replied.  "That's what I thought was bothering you.  Harry, you are my friend, but so is he, and I really want you two to sort this out.  Whatever it is, or whatever it will become, you can't go on like this", she said again.  "I don't like seeing you all moody and pouting", she said with a smile.

"I'm not pouting", he bit out.

"Oh but you are.  I've seen the way you look at him.  Fix it Harry, or I will", she said and stood up and walked away.  Harry looked at her retreating back, and wondered what she meant by that.  How on earth was he going to tell Draco Malfoy that he was the most beautiful man he had ever seen, or even worse, that he wanted to kiss him again.  

No, boss or not, he would stay away.  Draco deserved better anyhow, not some buffed up idiot who had been abused his whole life, and would sulk at not being given attention.  It was better that way, and with his mind made up, he made a mental note to talk to Draco the next day, after the party.  When all the guests had left the ranch, he would make sure that it was just the two of them.  

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