29. The Morning After

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Draco had gone to bed after all the guests had left the previous night, with Blaise being the last to leave, but not before congratulating Draco on his accomplishments, and even mentioning Harry as one.  Draco had rolled his eyes at that, because Blaise was drunk and he wasn't making any sense.  Harry was not an accomplishment, he had said, and the more Draco told him that, the more Blaise would wink and say, 'Sure he isn't'.

It had been some party, until his ex, that prick Theo had tried something with him.  He had come as someone's date, and if Draco had known that, he would not have extended the invite.  It seemed that he wanted to talk to Draco alone, but as soon as they were out of earshot, Theo tried to take advantage of the situation.  He was thankful that Potter had been there to help him, but was a bit put out that he had to be helped at all.  Theo wouldn't be making any more advances towards him, of that he was sure.  It looked like the man was going to piss his pants when Potter had spoken to him.

It seemed that Potter was once again his saving grace.  He was aiding him in saving the ranch, he had aided him in putting together a schedule and finding out who worked there and what their duties were.  And now he had saved him from possible assault.  He shook his head, which was a stupid thing to do, seeing as he had a terrible hangover.  He winced and closed his eyes again, bringing last night back to the front of his brain.

Potter was very strong, the way that he had picked up and dragged Theo away, it actually made him feel warm inside.

That was, until he remembered slapping the man.  Shit!  He wondered what Pansy would say if she found out how he had handled the whole thing.  That, and he had called Potter a nobody.  Anyway, it was Potter's fault.  He shouldn't have kissed him in the first place.  Should have slapped him then too, he thought with a smirk.  

He was eternally glad that Pansy had thought to ask Potter for help in parking the cars, because he would never have.  He was too focused on his guests and drinking as much alcohol as he could.  He could just picture looking at the man the same way he had last night.  The white of his clothes were blinding almost, in the lighting from the garden.  The way they clung to his body because Potter had been caught up in the rain.  The way his hair was plastered against his skull and his face, giving him a sexy look, as if he had just emerged from a swimming pool model shoot.

Oh Fuck!

Draco groaned at what he was seeing.  The man was gorgeous, there was no doubt, and if he really paid attention, it looked like Potter was well hung too.  "Mmfff", he moaned again, into his pillow.  He was starting to get hard.  He placed a hand on his cock and started to palm himself through his sexy panties.  First he moved slowly, then recalling the big hands and strong arms that held him, made him go a bit faster.  Then when he remembered how the lips had taken his own in absolute dominance, he released his aching member, and started to stroke it fast in his hand.  With his hand twisting when he got to the head of his cock, and the last thing he saw, just before his vision went white, were the green eyes that were so damn beautiful and capturing.

He cried out his orgasm, and when he was done with his shudders, he lay still.  His head pounding, his cock spent in his hand, his heart beating fast, he realized his mouth was very dry and it tasted like a donkey had taken a shit on his tongue.  He got out of bed slowly, first going to the bathroom to relieve himself, then for a hot shower.  He stayed there for what felt like forever, and after he had gotten dressed, made his way towards the kitchen where he put the kettle on for coffee.

He walked to the kitchen sink to pour himself a glass of water.  Just because he had brushed his teeth, didn't mean that he wasn't thirsty anymore.  After a second glass of water and some pills, the kettle had boiled, and so he made his cup of coffee and went to go and enjoy it on the porch.

The ground was wet from the rains last night, and being in the fresh morning air, Draco felt his headache retract some.  Not completely though.

"Good morning Mr Malfoy", greeted Warren with a smile, while he walked past the main house. 

Draco looked at him, and knowing that Sunday was their day off, he greeted him back.  "Morning Warren", and raised his cup of coffee at him.  Warren it seemed, was going to give the barn yet another coat of paint, and was just preparing everything for tomorrow, he said.  Draco nodded again, hoping that the man could see that he really wasn't in the mood for conversation.

Warren waved and then left to go and do what it was that he needed to do.  Draco turned his attention to the cottage that housed Potter.  This was a man that was normally up and about at 5am every morning, but today there was no sign of him.  He asked Lee, when he walked past, if any horses had been taken for a ride yet, to which he replied no.

The cottage maid, Toni, was walking towards the washing lines, ready to hang up the laundry that she had done earlier that morning.  Draco watched her, and saw that some of the clothes belonged to Potter.  Again he wondered where the man was, and what he was doing.  Not that he cared of course, it was just very weird seeing him every single day, and then not at all.  Especially after what had happened last night.

With a sudden jolt, he realized what that would or could mean.  Potter hadn't made an appearance all day.  Did that mean that he had left in the middle of the night?  

He swallowed, drank down the rest of his coffee, and made his way towards Potter's cottage.  He saw that his red and black motorbike was still standing under the shade cloth.  He saw that the curtains were still hanging, so that must mean that either Potter was still sleeping, or he was somewhere on the property, but he hadn't taken a horse.

Maybe he had walked to where he wanted to be.  Maybe after last night, he was avoiding everyone.  Which in Draco's mind made the most sense.  Fucking idiot!  He shook his head, and made his way back towards his house.  He had to leave and go into town, because Pansy had asked him to join her for lunch and he had other things that needed attending to as well.

After grabbing a jacket and his keys, he pulled out of his garage, and crept slowly down the driveway, leaving only the workers and the animals behind.

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