4. Sleek Eazy

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Tall, dark and handsome was probably the best, if not cliched way, to describe Harry Potter.  His hair was black, an unruly mop on his head, that at most times looked like it had never been brushed.  It had, it just seemed to look like it hadn't.  It gave him that sexy, just shagged look, which made people look twice at him.  His eyes were a deep green, almost like the colors of a forbidden forest.  Light green, surrounded by a ring of darker green, they were intense when they looked at you.  Full lips and straight white teeth, on his square face.

He stood at 6.2", and had built up quite a bit of muscle.  His skin tone was bronze, from being out in the sun for most of his life, mowing the dreaded lawn of his foster family.  Big rough hands, that had known hard work from an early age.  Sculpted chest pectorals, and long muscular legs, that if given the chance, any woman would love to run their hands over.  Yes, if it hadn't been said before, Harry Potter was a beautiful man, but in a manly way.

But he never thought of himself in that way.  Humble, kind and modest were the best words to describe him, and if anyone were to ever tell him otherwise, he would blush and look away at the drop of a hat.  He had never known lovers, well technically that's not true.  He had had a boyfriend at school, who went by the name of Joshua, but they had never gone further than kissing.  Snogging was excellent foreplay, but Harry hadn't felt comfortable going all the way with someone before.

Yes he was a hot blooded male, and yes, most of his days had him horny, but he didn't want to ever fuck anyone just for the sake of it.  There had to be feelings.  And at the time he thought that he had feelings for Joshua and was on the verge of telling him that maybe they should take their relationship to the next level, when he had walked in and found that Joshua was having his cock sucked by some other dude.  

Harry had no words.  Joshua had looked up at him and just as he was coming into the other man's mouth, he whispered his name, "Harry", which made Harry want to vomit and punch something.  After that, he just left, and walked around until he found the energy to finally go home, and embrace the fact that maybe the Dursleys were right.  That no one would ever love him.  So, taking on no more boyfriends, he dedicated his time on getting his degree.  Which was in the form of farming and cattle herding.

He had attended an agricultural school called Hogwarts.  He had learned so much there, about how to treat and feed the different animals, what wood was best used for fencing, and what was best used to make swings for a porch.  What seeds to plant in which season, how often to water them and so on.  He was ready to take on the world, he just wasn't sure if the world wanted him.

Joshua had tried to talk to him and explain his actions on many occasions, but Harry had made it quite clear that he never wanted to see or talk to him again.  The guy who had been sucking Joshua off that day had also tried to make amends with Harry, but was blown off in such a way that had him sulking for the remainder of the day.  Later on, about two weeks after that incident, they both approached Harry and demanded that he listen.

So he did.  Not that he could even recall what they said, because he had tuned them out, but when they were done talking, he simply answered with, "I don't care", and walked away.  They never bothered him again, for which he was very grateful.

Now, after leaving the Dursleys, he knew he had to get his priorities in order, and the first one was to get a job.  He needed employment the same way he needed to breathe.  Without it, he would starve and become nothing.  His walk, since leaving the foster family, had been uneventful until now.  At the end of a driveway, he saw a man standing there and waving at him.  He frowned, and waved back, not really sure who he was, or what he wanted.

When he reached the man, he was pulled into a hug.  "Harry, it's so good to see you", said the man.  Harry swallowed and looked at the man in confusion.

"You have no idea who I am, do you?", he asked.

Harry shook his head in response, and replied.  "No Sir".

"Come inside.  I have a lot to tell you", said the man.  But Harry was being careful.  His thoughts were all over the place as to who this man might be, but then he suddenly recognized him from years earlier.

"You're Sirius Black", he stated with a smile.  

The man who had saved him from the cupboard.

"Yes", came the reply.  They went inside, sat down to glasses of lemonade and Harry was told how the man sitting next to him had known his parents.  "I was appointed your godfather Harry, but the Dursleys would never let me take you.  British law states that I had to provide some sort of paperwork, and when I couldn't produce it, they ended up keeping you.  I moved here, to be closer to you and to keep an eye on them.  Sometimes I just wanted to kidnap you and take you away, but I didn't want you to live your life on the run.  I'm so sorry Harry", he said.

Harry was blown away!  He had no words.  A big smile crossed his gorgeous face, and then the questions started coming, and Sirius answered all of them as honestly as he possibly could.  Telling Harry that his parents had been murdered by a madman, but the man had been caught, and would spend the rest of his life behind bars.  When Harry had asked for the man's name, he was told it was Tom Riddle.  

The foster family that he had stayed with, was from his mother's side.  Petunia Dursley was his mother's sister, and that was a bitter pill to swallow.  That was no way to treat family, as far as he was concerned, but thanking the stars that it was all over now.

"I have something for you", said Sirius.  "I wanted to give it to you earlier, but I either never had the chance or the nerve.  And I didn't want the idiot Dursleys to find out about it", and without another word, got up and left to go and fetch the mysterious item.

He came back downstairs and handed an envelope to Harry, who took it with shaking hands.  It was a letter from the bank of Coinage.  Stating that on the death of his parents, he was to inherit the whole account, and had to date reached the amount of just over 133 Million pounds.  Harry was stunned.  He was so moved that he started to sob.  How was this possible, he asked.

Sirius explained that someone in the Potter family had invented a hair gel called Sleek Eazy, that had taken the world by storm, and so all the royalties from sales, would automatically go into Harry's bank account, seeing as he was the only surviving Potter.  

He was amazed.  He wondered if the Dursleys had known that about him, would they have treated him differently.  He thought not.  "I know what you're thinking Harry.  You don't owe them a damn thing.  It's them that owe you an apology", stated Sirius.  

Harry smiled at him, and told him that he had left and was never going back.  To which Sirius clapped his hands, and said they should celebrate.  But Harry was reluctant.  He had to keep moving, and stay on his path if he were ever to achieve anything in life.  Just because he had new found wealth, didn't mean that he was going to buy a mansion and laze around all day, that wasn't what he was about.  

He needed to find a job, and when he mentioned it to Sirius, his godfather said that he should stay the night, and he could leave for the rest of his  journey in the morning.  They had so much catching up to do.  Harry agreed, and together they made a fantastic lasagne, talking of things to come, and things that had passed.  It was the best night of Harry's life so far, and he couldn't wait to have more of them.

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