24. Piercing Green

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The more Draco talked, the more Harry pierced him with his eyes.  Harry's brain was in turmoil, because he couldn't forget what he had seen that morning, and now his boss was ranting at him that he hoped the work was finally done.  What was taking so long Potter?  You are an annoying prat Potter, and his favorite, put your bloody shirt on Potter.  You can't keep showing off your chest like that Potter.  He was confused as to why he had said that, but didn't comment.  He just kept looking at the face that housed the rest of absolute perfection, when he felt his head go woozy.  

When Harry opened his eyes, he was on the floor, with Draco and Pansy leaning over him.  He groaned at the hardness under his back, and raised a hand to his face.  He had no idea what had happened, and asked in a croaky voice, "What happened?".

Draco rolled his eyes as if to say isn't it obvious.  "You passed out Potter", he said with a hint of worry in his voice.  "Care to tell me why that is?", he offered.

Harry swallowed and tried to sit up, when he felt a soft hand on his shoulder holding him down.  It was Pansy.  "Harry, stay where you are, until you don't feel like throwing up", she said.  "Draco, go and call Lee please, we need to find out what happened, and why Harry fainted".  Draco did as he was told, which was an enigma in itself, thought Harry, and asked Pansy how long had he been out.

"About ten to fifteen minutes.  Are you sure you're all right?", she asked.  He nodded and finally sat up, which wasn't a good idea apparently, as his head was pounding.  She handed him a glass of water with a headache pill, which he took and downed the rest of the water from being thirsty, and jumped slightly when the front door banged open and Draco stormed back inside.

"Potter!", he spat out.  "Lee tells me that you haven't left the roof all day, not even to eat.  What the fuck is the matter with you?", he shouted.  

Harry winced at the loud voice, and he stood up, wanting to face the man.  

"A man your size has to eat, what - six times a day?", Draco asked with a smirk, but also concern.

"I am sorry for passing out in your kitchen Mr Malfoy", he started, his green eyes locking onto the silver orbs of his boss.  "But you did say that you wanted the roof fixed before the end of the day.  If I had taken the time to eat, I wouldn't have finished.  In fact I have only just packed up.  It won't happen again", he said trying to explain his pathetic fainting.  

He had never fainted in his life, well not if you don't count the times that food had been withheld at his foster house.  Shit!

"So, let me get this straight.  Draco told you he wanted it done before the end of the day, and you didn't eat for fear of disobeying him?", asked Pansy, and gave her friend a look of disdain, that made Draco shift uncomfortably.

"It's not his fault Pansy, Lee called me down to eat, but I just wanted to finish.  The rains are coming soon, and the repairs had to happen, otherwise Mr Malfoy would be sleeping in a pool of water", he managed out.  "I really am sorry", he said again and looked at Draco when he spoke.  He thanked them both for assisting him when he had passed out, and said he should probably go and eat something.  It had been a long day. 

Then with one final look at his boss, with his piercing green eyes, he placed his glass down on the kitchen counter, and went to the front door.

Before he exited the house, he heard Pansy say to Draco, "You're an arsehole Draco Malfoy, and Potter is perfect", to which Draco replied softly, but Harry heard it all the same.  "Whatever".

But Harry begged to differ.  He was not perfect in any way, and he hated that people saw him as that.  He made his way towards the other workers and thanked them for the day.  Lee stayed behind when the others had left and asked if he was all right and if he was in any trouble.  Harry smiled at the question and said no.  Everything was fine.  Thanking him again by shaking his hand, he made his way towards his cottage and went inside.

Looking into the mirror after his hot shower, he recalled the whimper that had escaped Draco's lips when he had gone knocking on his door.  Was the man disgusted, or was that a look of want.  A look of lust.  The more he tried to bring it to the forefront, the more he struggled to read the eyes of his boss.  


Even if his boss was interested, that right there was the problem.  

He was his boss, for fuck's sake!  And if Draco Malfoy was repulsed, maybe Harry should leave so that someone else could fix his rooves and faint in his kitchen.

But no.  He wasn't going anywhere.  The thought of anyone seeing what he had seen, made him want to vomit.  Draco Malfoy was a beautiful man, but he was also a taken one.  And Harry would never infringe upon that.  He wasn't that type of guy.  He looked into his own eyes in the mirror, and saw them grow dark.  The light green of the iris and the darker border around it were coming together as one, and Harry dropped his gaze and sighed. 

He knew that look.  He had seen on himself many times.  It was a look of determination.  Determined to get what he wanted, but he had to brace himself.  He tried to recall ever seeing some form of affection that he and Pansy had shared, and found that there was nothing.  He had never seen them kiss or hug, only the linking of the arms.  

What had he meant when he said that Pansy was his everything.  Frustrated, he slammed his fist into the mirror, making it shatter, the pieces falling into the wash basin.

He gulped at what he had just done.  "Fuck!", he whispered at the blood coming from his knuckles.  He had wanted to take Trinity out for a ride again tonight, but that would have to wait.  He needed to eat and then he needed sleep.  So after drying off, he put on a pair of boxer underpants, and bandaged his hand.  Then he went to his kitchen and made himself a bowl of noodles.  There was no time to make anything else, and he was actually quite hungry.

Harry was asleep before his head hit the pillow, from pure exhaustion.  Not just the physical work, but the fight going on inside his brain, the one half telling him to ignore it, and the other half telling him to go for it.  

Apparently, confusion came in the form of a man, and it's name was Draco Malfoy.

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