41. 11am Lunch

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Narcissa Malfoy was happy that her son had called and invited her to lunch, and she wasn't stupid.  She had heard the change in his voice after she had said what she had, but she also knew that she would be getting answers soon.  

The relationship that she had with her son was one of understanding and support.  She had, and would always support him in any endeavor, and Draco loved that about her.  Her husband was a cruel and demanding man, but she had become accustomed to it.

Thwarting all of the evil plans that she found out about, it was a pleasure to watch him squirm, and it wasn't as if she didn't love him.  At a stage, he was her whole life.  Until one day when he had punished Draco for what hadn't even been his fault.  Lucius had told Draco to plant roses on a Saturday morning when he had been younger and said that he would leave everything out for him to get started.

The seeds that had been left out were not roses, they were petunias.  Draco looked tirelessly for the roses, and because he couldn't find them, had planted the seeds left for him.  He was extremely happy with his hard work, but after a week, when his father had seen that the seeds were rising up out of the soil, he could see that the leaves were not those of the rose plant.  He called Draco and asked him what had he been thinking.

The more that Draco tried to explain that there were no rose seeds on the property, the more Lucius would berate and beat him for his impertinence.  It happened many times after that, with Lucius claiming that Draco would never be a winner.  He would always set something up, knowing for a fact that Draco couldn't possibly deliver.  

There would never be a time when he would get 'one up' on his old man, he would tell his son.  Draco began to hate him.  Lucius would threaten him with disowning him, and that nobody would ever want a washed out loser.

Each time, Narcissa was there to pick up the pieces, promising Draco that he would be a winner, that he would have a day where his father wouldn't matter anymore, and that he wasn't a loser.  He was her son.  She had been his saving grace growing up.

In short, Lucius Malfoy was a bastard.  He loved power and everything that came with it.  He was a politician, and so power and wealth went hand in hand.  He had people falling down at his feet, begging to be used and to help in his many projects.  But the one person that he wanted to worship him never did.  That is why he would use deception to get the better of his son.  He wanted him to see that the world was an ugly place, and the only thing that mattered was your position.  If you were at the top of the food chain, then you were a winner.  End of story.

Narcissa had also not told Lucius about the lunch invite, and so just after waking up to an empty bed, had her shower and had gotten dressed in a beautiful soft pink flowery dress.  Paired with white sandals and a white sun hat and sunglasses, she climbed into her car and made her way towards, what used to be her sister's ranch.  Draco had told her that the name had been changed, and she loved it.

After pressing the button on the intercom system, she was asked for a password - Bravery - and drove slowly up the driveway to see her son that she hadn't seen in a while.  When she emerged from her car, it was Pansy who greeted her first.  "Pansy", she smiled and gave her a hug.

"You look beautiful Mrs Malfoy", gushed the girl.  They interlinked their arms and made their way towards the house.  Draco and Harry were waiting for her in the kitchen, while Sirius had left just a short while ago, asking the men to let them know how the investigation was going.  They had thanked him, and had coffee waiting for Draco's mother.

When she entered the kitchen, her look went straight to Draco, and walked into his hug.  Squeezing him hard, she kissed him on the cheek, and then turned her eyes towards Harry.  She looked at him up and down, and just before Harry could feel uncomfortable, she spoke.

"What a beautiful looking young man", she said.  Harry swallowed and blushed, and he knew that he was going to like this woman.  Immediately after she said that, she opened her arms in an invite for a hug, and Harry gave her what she wanted.  A great big bear hug, and when she kissed him on his cheek, Harry smiled.

"Mrs Malfoy, it's a pleasure to meet you.  I'm Harry", he said.  She looked at his face, and noticed the scar on his forehead.

"Harry Potter?", she asked already knowing the answer.

"Yes Ma'am", he replied.

"Call me Narcissa please Harry.  You too Pansy", she offered.

"Mother", said Draco with pride.  "Harry is my boyfriend and my ranch hand", he said.

"Well, you certainly know how to surprise people Draco", she said with a wink.  "Now, show me around this lovely ranch and then we can gossip over lunch".  They made their way outside, and showed her the damage that the fire had brought to the barn.  She looked heartbroken for her son's sake, but knew that he would recover from this.  He always did.

Lunch was served outside - grilled fish with garlic bread, a mouth watering white sauce and a salad.  White wine had been paired, and after everyone had dished up, talk started with Draco telling her what he had been happening since he had moved in.  She listened with rapt attention, not wanting to miss the success story.  She complimented the food, the ranch, the fact that they had changed the name.  And she complimented Harry.

"You two are good for each other I think", she stated.  Harry said thank you, "But I think it's only Draco that's good for me Ma'am".

"Narcissa", she corrected him.

"Narcissa", he repeated.  After the niceties were dealt with, Draco told her everything about how his father would come around every four months to take pictures so that he could record the progress, and how Harry had chased him away the last time.  He mentioned what his father's parting words had been to him - making her shake her head.  He told her how they had cameras installed, and they saw the person responsible for the devastation.  They told her about when she had spoken about the fire, they were convinced that Lucius was responsible, because nobody knew about it.

They told her everything, and when they were done, she sat up straight, because she had her own things to say.  "I never did like Theo.  The few times I saw the both of you together, it was almost as if he was with you because he was told to be".  When she saw confusion on his face, she explained.

"You are not his type.  All his previous, and even his current boyfriend, have dark hair and dark eyes", she said making Draco think that maybe her words were true.

"You're telling me that you think father paid him to corrupt me.  To have sex with me just so that he could be the winner again?", he asked with disgust.

"I can't prove it, but that would be my guess yes", she said.  Harry was seething.  How could a father use his own son like that.  He looked at Draco and took hold of his hand.  "I'm so sorry love", he said with a shaky voice.  Draco was never happier at that moment for not having sex with the bastard, and that Harry was feeling his pain, and understood what it felt like to be used.

They said their goodbyes a few hours later, with Narcissa giving Harry and Draco her blessing, and telling them not to worry about the investigation.  She was going to make sure that her husband paid for his misdeeds.  Who knows, if he was arrested, maybe she should sell the Manor and come and live on the ranch with Draco.  They laughed at her silliness and spontaneity.  

After she had left, all that was left was to clear up after lunch, and relax for the rest of the day.  Each with their own thoughts at what they had heard that day.

"Hey", said Harry taking Draco in his arms when they were alone.  Draco looked at him and told him that he didn't want pity.  Especially not from his boyfriend.  Harry smiled and said, "Well it's a good thing then that what I am feeling is not pity, but pride.  I am so proud of you Draco, for not freaking out at what your mother told you, and especially proud of you for not giving in to the demands of that prick when he wanted to have sex with you", he said, and kissed him with tongue to convey his message.

After the kiss, Draco smiled and thanked his lucky stars that he had walked away from Theo when he had, and he couldn't wait to see the looks on their faces when they were arrested based on the evidence that had been gathered about them.  

Gods, he was going to enjoy every single moment.

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