10. Machines & Markings

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Harry and Sirius had risen early to get a head start on their very busy day, wanting to take advantage of the full 24 hours.  Waking up at 5am, having their showers and breakfast by 6am, they were on the road just half an hour later, making their way towards Godric's Hollow, where they were going to pay a visit to Harry's parents.  

Sirius himself hadn't been there for a while, and it was fitting that they were doing this together, with it being Harry's first time and all.  It would be a moment that they would treasure for ever.  The ride was short, because of small talk and music, and before they knew it, they had arrived in the small town.  Harry had asked Sirius to stop at a florist, because he wanted to buy a flower arrangement to put on their tombstones.

So with wreath in hand, they both left the car and entered the cemetery through a small rusty gate.  The silence of the place was almost comforting in a way, and their headstones stood out for the mere fact that they were the only white ones amongst all the black.  Sirius had known where to find them, and led Harry there without talking.  He told Harry that he was going to leave him to some alone time with them, he would be back later.

Harry was grateful for Sirius that he was able to think at a time like this.  There was so much that Harry didn't know about his family.  But Sirius had been the man that had told him stories about how his parents would laugh and even argue with each other.  How Sirius was almost always forced to take Lily's side, because James was being a prat.  How they died, and why they were buried here and nowhere else.  He told him everything.

He knelt down on his knees, rubbed the dirt and old leaves away, and placed his wreath against their tombstone.  And then he read the words that had been carved into the marble.  THE LAST ENEMY THAT SHALL BE DESTROYED IS DEATH.  Harry didn't like those words, but he supposed they had a ulterior meaning.  He would have to ask his godfather.  They were both only 21 years old.  Another three years, and then he would be that age.  It was sad to think about.

"Mum, Dad.  It is so good to finally be here after all this time.  And I'm sorry it took me this long to come and visit, but I just couldn't before.  But that's a story for another time.  Sirius has been telling me all about you, and I wish that I had known you.  I wish that I could see you.  I wish that more than anything.  I love you", and he stood up and wiped away at the silent tears that had been falling down his cheeks.

Sirius came back a while later, gave Harry a hug and said a few words to Lily and James that even made Harry laugh.  Then they said their goodbyes and made their way back to Keswick, where Harry had to make an appearance at the bank of Coinage.  They stopped for a snack before arriving, and it was with full stomachs that they both sat in the waiting area to see the bank manager.  Harry looked up when a well dressed blond man walked out with a file, took a quick glimpse of him, and went back to looking at the floor.

The bank manager Mr Rayne was quite blown away with meeting Harry.  But he handled the meeting with grace, and congratulated him on his status.  He was given new credit cards in his name, and was assured of the best service at all times.  They thanked him and after the meeting, they both made their way to a dealership.  Sirius was going to show Harry some motorbikes, and teach him how to start living. 

They reached, what was according to Sirius, the best dealership in town and started taking a stroll around the showroom floor.  There were so many to choose from, and at first Harry wasn't really bothered with what to buy.  It just had to get him from A to B.  He had extreme knowledge of these beautiful machines, having read all about them in magazines, but to see one so close, was a moment that he would remember for the rest of his life.  Other than actually purchasing and riding it for the first time.

But when Harry saw the showstopper on the floor, he halted in his tracks and couldn't take his eyes off it.  It was a BMW S1000 RR, and boy was she beautiful.  Black and red, it looked like a monster.  A salesman saw him eyeing her, and knowing how to read customers, could see the hungry look in Harry's eye.  He approached him with a smile and said, "Beautiful, isn't she?".

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