14. Wine & Celebrations

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Sirius was over the moon that Harry had gotten the job, and it was nice for a change, seeing the wide smile on Harry's face.  It made him think that the news he had to share with him, was going to be met with not so much sadness.  After Harry's third shower of the day, because Betty had literally dragged him through the mud, he had dressed again in jeans and a T shirt, they made their way to a place called 'Fisherman's Wharf' for dinner.

They both sat on the outside deck overlooking the ocean and ordered from the menu.  Sirius had the lobster with rice, while Harry opted for the prawns and chips.  They paired their meal with a crisp white wine, and after it was poured just sat and enjoyed the silence.

"So, you start on Tuesday?", said Sirius.  

"Yeah.  Although they want me there on Monday afternoon to set up a schedule", he replied.  "I can't believe how fast my life is changing, and while I am grateful for it, I am a tiny little bit apprehensive", he said with a sigh.

Sirius nodded at him and said that he would be okay.  Everything was starting to fall into place, and Harry's life was only going to be great from here on out.  Just then their food arrived, and they started eating, and making small talk.  Harry told him about Betty making the man cry with laughter, saying that he would have loved to see that.

After the meal, they ordered another bottle of wine, and Sirius said that he had his own news to share with Harry.  Which of course had Harry smiling, because how could his day get any better.  He waited with baited breath for the news.

"I am moving house", said Sirius.  Harry looked at him in horror.  He didn't want to lose his godfather, not when they had just found each other.  "Why?  Where are you going?", he asked with fear.

"Har, I only stayed there to be close to you.  So that I could keep an eye on those wretched bastards you lived with.  Now that you don't live there anymore, and you have a job and place of your own, I think it's time", he said softly.  Before Harry could say anything more, Sirius held up his one hand and explained what he would be doing with his time.

"I will still be in Keswick Har, just not in that particular house in that particular street", he said with a smile.

Harry exhaled.  Thank God, he thought.  "Where will you be going?", he asked.  Sirius looked at him and said that he had a house in the center of town, called Grimmauld Place.  It had belonged to his parents, and had been left to him.  He was going to move in and renovate it back to it's full potential.  Harry asked if he could come and visit him there to which Sirius replied, "I will tie you up and haul you there if you don't", with a laugh.

Harry was glad that Sirius was also going to be moving on.  Their terrible pasts had to be overcome, and both men knew that they couldn't simply forget what had happened to them, but they could embrace it and change their own futures.  And they were looking forward to it.

"But first.  You said you don't need furniture for your new place, but what about clothes.  Do you have enough?", he asked his godson.

Harry shook his head and said no.  He would have to purchase some new ones, but he would also like to buy his own bedding, and he needed new toiletries.  They arranged to do this tomorrow, at the mall where they would buy everything that he would need for his new life.  Harry felt at ease talking to Sirius about anything and wondered what the man would say if he knew about his sexuality.  He was going to go all in, and to hell with it.  Sirius didn't strike him as a man who would ever judge anyone, so taking a breath he said he had something to tell him as well.

Sirius nodded his head and asked for yet another bottle of wine.  When it arrived, both glasses were filled up, and with a shaky voice and sweating hands Harry thought the best way to tell his godfather was to just blurt it out without a filter.

"I'm gay", he said and closed his eyes, while breathing heavily, as if he had just run a marathon, waiting for the response.  When there was none, he opened one eye and saw to his amazement that Sirius was shaking with silent laughter.  At first he thought that he was being laughed at, but then realized that the look on his godfather's face was friendly.

"I already know that Har", he said, still shaking.  "I've known it since you were about 14, and it's nothing to be ashamed of", he said.

"I'm not ashamed of it.  I just wanted you to know, since we're sharing stories and shit", he said, feeling sulky but glad at the same time.  "How did you know?", he asked.

Sirius simply replied, "Because I am too.  I know the signs".  Harry blushed and then shook his head, peaceful with how his whole day had turned out.  It had been so easy and had felt so right to tell his godfather, and now he was happy that he had.  It would certainly be a day to remember.  They left soon after to go home where Sirius went to bed, and Harry took out his journal.


My day consisted of a cow called Betty, wine and laughter.  I got the job!  Draco is quite the beautiful man, but he is my boss.  I can't be having those thoughts about him, can I?  Sirius knows I'm gay - he is too.  What a revelation.  I feel happy and blessed.  Tomorrow some shopping, Monday - moving out.  

Ruby will get me to where I need to be.  I think I should introduce her to Betty, they might grow to like each other.

The world is a big bad place Harry - but what the world doesn't know is that Harry is a big bad wolf, so bite me!

Tattoos are looking good - the phoenix is stunning, my constellation striking, fireworks blazing.  

Pansy is the first friend I have ever made on my own.  I will value her friendship - 

Raising a glass to a new and fresh start.

Because I'm worth it.

Harry closed his journal, switched off his light, and went to bed, looking forward to what tomorrow would bring him.

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