18. Moving In

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It was moving day.  Not only for Harry but for Sirius as well.  He would first see that Harry had settled in, and then start on his own journey.  Harry had been put out at this, because he wanted to help his godfather, but Sirius had shot him down, saying that he needed to do this alone.  His family hadn't been very accepting of him either, and there was a lot of extra baggage to work through.  Harry accepted this, and told Sirius that if he ever wanted to talk or rant, to please just give him a call.

After their showers, and shared breakfasts at the table in the small kitchen, they started loading the boxes into the truck.  The time to leave drawing closer and closer.  Nerves had always been a part of Harry, but this time he was feeling good about it.  Yes it was going to be new, everything about it was, but he couldn't contain his happiness at the new start of what was going to be the rest of his life.  

Dressed in tight fitting light blue denims, and a green T shirt, he looked breathtaking.  You could see the outline of his pecs and abs through the material.  He had put sneakers on today, opting for the more casual look and a black leather jacket.  Sirius would be taking his boxes, while he would ride behind him on his trusted bike, Ruby.  Doing one more sweep of his room, he made sure that he had left nothing behind, and went downstairs for the last time.

Harry had phoned Pansy to tell her that he was on his way, and Pansy had told him that he would also need to buy his own groceries in order for him to eat.  He was responsible for his own food, so to speak.  He said this wasn't a problem, thank you.  He and Sirius had stopped again to go and purchase even more goodies, and when they finally had everything that he needed, they left town for the ranch.

When they came to the gate of King Ranch, Sirius pressed a button announcing their arrival, and the gate started to open.  Reaching the end of the driveway, Sirius stopped and turned his engine off.  He waited until Harry climbed off his bike, so that he could show him where his new living quarters were.  Harry said he didn't know, he had to find out first with a hearty laugh.

Both Draco and Pansy saw him laughing outside while talking to a man in a truck, and went to the front door.  Draco looked at him up and down, and thought that the man looked gorgeous, the green shirt making his eyes seem even more stunning.  Still laughing, Harry heard the screen door slam shut, then he turned his face towards the two people standing on the porch.  Smiling at what he and Sirius had just spoke about, he nodded his head towards them in greeting.

Sirius emerged from his truck, so that Harry could introduce them.  "Mr Malfoy, this is Sirius Black, my godfather.  Pads, this is Draco Malfoy", he said with a deep husky voice.  Draco swallowed and shook the hand that had been offered.

"Pleasure to meet you Malfoy", said Sirius.  

"Pleasure is mine Black", said Draco back to him.  "This is Pansy Parkinson, my friend and all round everything", he said with a smirk.

Sirius shook her hand as well, and gave Harry a look.  It seemed that he looked a bit sad at what he had just heard, but they would talk about it later.  She greeted both of them, and said that it was good to see you Harry.  He just smiled at her and said the same.  The sooner they got to the cottage to drop his boxes off, the sooner they could discuss the schedule about what was going to have to happen on the ranch.  

Harry smiled and said, "Yeah.  We just need you to show us where please", he said to her with a little bit more respect than usual.  She just smiled at him and told him to follow the roses.  There was a separate driveway that was lined with roses of all colors, making the grey paving stand out with all the different shades of reds and pinks and yellows.  He thanked her and climbed back on his bike, signaling for Sirius to follow him.  

She had told him that it was open, and had been since that morning so that fresh air could circulate.  He and Sirius drove slowly towards the cottage, and stopped just after a short while.  When they entered, they were both blown away by the size of it.  It wasn't as big as a house, but it was enough for Harry.

Upon entry, you had the lounge to your left, which had a huge couch and two single chairs.  To the right was a small room that could be used as an office or a gym.  Harry had thought to bring his boxing bag and treadmill, so that would go there.  Just past the lounge was a door to the left, which was his bedroom and bathroom.  If you exited the bedroom, and walked a little way down a passage, to the right there was a kitchen and a pantry.  There was also a laundry room where Harry would be able to wash him clothes and do his dishes. 

It was quite cozy, and he felt at home for the first time since leaving Sirius' house that morning.  This was going to be epic.  He removed his jacket and started unloading the boxes on his truck.  He knew that Sirius also had to get back and get started on his own packing, and didn't want it to get too dark for him to do that.  Half an hour later, the boxes were piled up in the little lounge area, and both men were sweating.  They stood in front of the cottage, their arms around each other's shoulders, neither of them talking.  Just enjoying their last moments together, because they didn't know when they would be able to see each other again.

Harry climbed onto the back of the truck while Sirius drove back down to the house to say goodbye to the owner and his everything - Pansy.  He jumped off and saw that the two of them were still on the porch, and waited for Sirius to get out.  They walked up the steps together and Sirius greeted them both again, saying that he had quite a drive ahead of him, he had to get going.  

Draco and Pansy both shook his hand, and wished him well.  Harry walked back to the truck with him, and gave him a bear hug before he got inside and started his engine.  With a tap of his knuckles on the back of the truck, Harry waved and watched until he couldn't see the truck anymore, and with that he wiped away at his face from the tears that were threatening to fall, and turned around to face his new boss. 

Draco saw that Potter was a bit upset, and thought him to be a softie.  That wouldn't do well here, he thought, but he had compassion for the man.  He wished he had that with his father.  He walked down the steps to tell Harry that he could move in and take his time, they could always put together a schedule tomorrow.  He and Pansy had other things to do anyway.

Harry swallowed, and nodded his head saying thank you.  He waved at Pansy with a smile, and started walking back towards his cottage, where he had a huge pile of boxes waiting for him.  Draco watching him until he entered his new home, Pansy watching Draco, his facial expressions changing when Harry was out of sight, and Potter not once looking back, but in front of him the whole time.

"Other things", Mr Malfoy had said.  Harry wondered what those other things were, but had to scold himself, because it really was none of his business.  He was here to work, and bring life to the ranch.  Sighing, he started opening boxes, and got to work on making the cottage his home.  He made the bed, and fluffed the pillows.  He placed the TV that he had purchased on a wall unit, he would tune it in later.  He hung up his clothes, and placed his shoes inside the wardrobe neatly.

He rolled his socks and folded his new boxer underwear and placed them in the chest of drawers that was in his bedroom.  He took out his photos and placed them around the cottage, trying to create some sort of normalcy.  He folded his T shirts away.  He put all his toiletries in the bathroom, and he hung his towels up.  He put a bathmat in front of the shower, and then he started on his groceries.

He had spoiled himself by buying some beer, but promised himself he would only have one a night.  It wouldn't do if he showed up at work drunk or hungover.  The bottled water had priority anyway, and after that was packed away, started on the tinned food and spices and whatnot.  He put boxes of cereals in the pantry, bottles of milk in the fridge.  The cleaning materials were packed away in a separate cupboard in the laundry, and before he knew it, three hours had passed.  It was starting to get dark out, and he needed to eat.

He made himself a sloppy joe - savory mince on toast, topped with a fried egg - and ate slowly.  He really was looking forward to getting to know the ranch, and he knew that once he had spent his first night here, it would feel different in the morning.  

And he couldn't wait for it to start.  He had moved in, and tomorrow he would focus on the schedule that he and Mr Malfoy were going to draw up.

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