12. Nerves & Numbers

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Harry had woken up a bit later than he wanted to, but in all fairness, he had had a busy day yesterday.  The visit to Godric's Hollow, the bike, the tattoos, the mobile phone.  Yes it had been busy, but it had been so worth it.  He had enjoyed every minute, especially the phone call from Pansy, telling him that he had an interview today.

Shit!!  The phone call.  His interview was only at 5pm, so he had a lot of time to prepare, but he had to admit that his nerves were going to come to the forefront.  He wasn't comfortable meeting new people.  He would just have to endure, because he needed this job.  Not for monetary reasons, but he wanted to be independent, something that he had never been before.

His back was feeling weird from the tattoo, and he made a mental note to ask Sirius to rub ointment on it later, to prevent it from becoming dry.  He rolled onto his back, and grimaced a bit at the motion.  It wasn't painful, just a slight discomfort.  The one on his shoulder was faring much better, and for that he was thankful.  He sighed and decided to get out of bed to go and see where Sirius was.

The fact that Harry stayed just a short way away from the Dursleys had never really bothered him.  He knew their routine like the back of his hand, so was privy to when he would run into them or if at all.  And so far, he hadn't seen them, except for that one day when he had gone to town to see the agencies.  And even then, it hadn't been worth writing about.  But the sooner he left Privet Drive, the better for him.  Sirius had mentioned that he was also no longer required to stay there, because, well because Harry was safe now.

Sirius was in the kitchen preparing breakfast, while Harry offered to make the coffee.  He noticed that Harry was a bit jittery when he saw his knee jutting up and down, so he put his knife and fork down after serving the food and spoke in a fatherly voice to him.

"I remember my first job interview.  It was at a shop selling sweets, and although I didn't need the money, I wanted to get out of the house and away from my family.  They were all arseholes, the lot of them.  I hated living there in that house.  Anyway, I was just as nervous, but it was your dad that calmed me down", he said.

"What did he say?", asked Harry softly.

"He said, and I'll never forget this, 'If they don't see your worth, then they aren't worth your look'", he replied.

Harry smiled at him and said that was a nice thing to say.  

"Well your dad was a nice guy", said Sirius.  "Har, I have something to tell you", he stated.

Harry waited for him to speak.  Sirius took hold of one of his hands and told him what he thought Harry needed to know before he left.  

"Yesterday, you asked me if I wanted a tattoo.  But I know that you have seen the ones I have already, yeah?".  

Harry nodded.  

"The night your parents were killed, I went to their house.  After I had heard what happened, I went there to see the devastation for myself.  But I took too long, lost in my grief that I couldn't stop crying and screaming, and didn't even hear it when the sirens came.  I was found at the scene, so they arrested me, and without even having a trial, blamed me for their deaths and sentenced me to prison.  It was there that I got the tattoos.  That's why I only came to you now, after looking for you for so long.  I was in prison for 12 years.  But, the real prick was caught, and I was exonerated.  I had to spend my time grieving for them behind bars for something that I would never even have given a thought of doing to anyone", he said with a shaky voice.

Harry had no idea.  He squeezed Sirius' hand and replied.  "Thank you for telling me, and I'm sorry that you had to go through that.  That should never have happened, especially to you", he croaked out.

Sirius smiled and clapped him on the back.  "Enough sadness, now we shower and get dressed, and go and kill that ranch owner with your brilliant white smile", he said with a laugh.  Harry laughed with him, and together they finished up with breakfast and cleaned the kitchen.  His heart was feeling a bit heavy though at what he had just been told.  He would put it down in his journal later, for it was something that he would need to work through.

The rest of the day was spent with both of them going for a jog, having another laugh over lunch and deciding what Harry was going to wear for the interview.  Sirius had said not too smart, because perhaps the owner of the ranch wanted him to do something to show off his skills, and it wouldn't do it he had a suit and tie on.  Harry agreed, and finally chose his best pair of dark blue jeans, with a white T shirt.  His black boots, and wide black leather belt would finish the look.  Now he just had to wait.

Sirius showed him how to use his mobile, and together they stored important numbers for Harry.  The first number was Sirius, and the next one was Pansy.  Sirius added emergency numbers for him like the doctor, hospital, and ambulance services.  You never knew, and it was always good to be prepared.  

The closer the time came for him to leave had Harry nervous again.  "You are worth it Har", Sirius kept telling him, making him smile and blush.  Harry sure hoped so, because for so long he had been told that he was worthless.  What a change of pace, and if he did get the job, he was going to dedicate his time to it.  It was his passion, so he couldn't see himself failing at it, if only he was given the chance.

After another shower, he slapped on some aftershave smelling of the ocean.  Rogue, it was called and had a slight hint of musk added to it.  It was alluring, but Harry had purchased if after smelling it on Sirius.  He would probably get his own signature scent later, but for now thought that it suited him.  He was a manly man, and needed a manly scent.

Shortly after 4pm, he went downstairs and told Sirius that he was leaving.  He didn't want to arrive late to the interview, and Sirius agreed.  

"You look dashing Har", he said to his godson.

Harry blushed again and rubbed the back of his neck.  A sign that he was nervous, but remembered that Sirius had told him he was worth it.  He just had to prove that he was, and was grateful for the opportunity.  Grabbing his helmet and his keys on the way out, he waved his hand in a salute, and left the house, in an effort to change his life.

The machine vibrating between his legs, made Harry enjoy the freedom that he had recently gained again.  The wind on his bare arms, the sun on his face, and the long road in front of him.  He remembered the directions that had been given, and after a thirty minute ride, found himself in front of an electric gate that had a sign on it saying 'King Ranch'.

He pressed the button asking for entry, and when it opened, made his way up the long driveway, towards his interview.  He had wondered who the man or woman was that would be asking him questions today, but the nerves started to lessen, because he suddenly remembered that Pansy had said that she would be there, every step of the way.

When he reached the end of the driveway, he saw the big house standing in all it's glory.  He saw that it too, needed some care in the form of a fresh coat of paint.  He loved the wrap around porch too, with a balcony on all floors.  He killed the engine, kicked out the stand and climbed off his machine.  He had decided to call her Ruby.  He thought it was fitting, because of the big red letters RR on the sides.

He removed his helmet and his sunglasses, ran his hand through his hair, and took a long look around.  He smiled at what was in front of him, and fell in love with the property at first sight.

Time to meet the owner, he thought with a smile.

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