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[Declan's POV]

I prepare myself a cup of coffee when I began to sense a headache forming given I've been concentrating at this case for a while now. It's disappointing that I haven't found anything useful that will lead us to the killer yet.

At this pace we may reach nowhere.

I sip my coffee as I lean my body on the counter trying to relax. This entire floor of the police station is vacant as everyone's shift is either over or they are on patrolling duty. The ground floor has the night shift squad.

"Not surprised you're still here."

I jump in surprise hearing a voice out of nowhere making me accidentally spill some of my coffee on the floor. I look up to see my partner, one and only Josh Hades, standing at the door with his arms crossed.

"Oops sorry", He grinned cheekily.

"What are you doing here?", I asked with a sigh as I drink the rest of my coffee.

"Couldn't just leave my partner to drown himself in work like that. What if you go crazy?", He joked, walking inside.

A small smile formed on my face. "I thought you left for the day. Didn't you have plans for drinks or something?", I wondered.

"That was more than two hours ago idiot", He looks at me weirdly.

Oh wow.

"Anyway, I figured I won't be able to sleep no matter how much I drink after I've seen the horribly terrifying dead body. I ain't ready for nightmares tonight", He sighs, removing his jacket, placing it on the chair and folding his shirt up to his elbow.

I chuckled shaking my head. "That I understand."

We both then head to my office. Actually our office. As partners we share this space. We have separate desks and all. It's very easy to point out which one's his because he has a photo frame of his family on his desk.

"So you solve anything?", He questioned, loosening the tie around his neck.

"Nope. It's so freaking irritating. No leads, no motives, no weapons, nothing. How is this even possible?", I replied frustratedly.

He exhales through his mouth looking over at the stuff on my desk since everything related to the case was spread all over.

"Remember the neighbour we interrogated together mentioned a bar Greg was regular at?", Josh reminded.

I nod. "Yeah."

"Me and the guys were coincidently there tonight. I took that opportunity to and did some digging", He informed.

That lifted up my hopes a bit.

"The bar tender recognised Greg almost immediately. He really was a regular there though didn't have a good reputation I believe. Hardly ever paid for the drinks, got into fights frequently and not to mention bought his drugs there", He recited.

"Hmm", I inhaled thinking about it.

"You think Greg had any enemies?", He wondered. "Like maybe he was involved with some dangerous men keeping in mind the reputation he seems to hold and also the amount of drugs we found in his house. Maybe they killed him after he failed to repay or something?"

"Maybe, but doesn't seem like it. Why would a gang go to such extents to actually rip the guy into pieces like a bunch of animals? They can go for the classic gun shot", I remarked.

"Got a point there", He nods gazing down at the photos of the crime scene.

"Did you get any identification on the people Greg messed with at the bar? Maybe we can look into that", I ask.

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