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Declan had voluntarily confined himself to his room after meeting with the elders. He just needed some peace and quiet cause...why not? Lately that is what he seems to be in shortage of.

Tucker, his husky was tugged close to him. The dog was overjoyed to finally be reunited with its owner after a while. He climbed upon Declan's lap seeking human warmth and chose to sleep sticking close to Declan's body.

Declan gently pets his boy while his mind works on its own accord. He stared far into space recalling the events of the past two days. There was a lot that needed to be explained and elaborated. He wanted to be ahead of Callisto in whatever she was planning.

Guess it made sense why the phoenix wanted him to go into the forbidden land.

But still, what has this all got to do with the Gem? The one that is still missing. The one whose whereabouts are proving to be harder to find than climbing Mount Everest. Anytime he feels like maybe they're getting closer it just so happens that they're still far away.

A knock on his door snaps him out of his trance. Josh enters the room, closing the door behind him. He looks around until his eyes fall on Declan who was sitting on Tucker's bed with Tucker using him as a bed.

"That's an adorable sight", Josh smiled walking over, settling down opposite to Declan, his back leaning against the bed.

"Hope you had a good sleep?", Declan asked.

"I did. Though I'm probably more relaxed to see you healed. Alana told me", Josh sighs.

Declan nods. "Yeah I had to go talk to the elders", He said, continuing to explain the conversation he just had with them.

"Well that was the right choice. Inevitably really", Josh shrugs, glad that his best friend finally realised his mistake. "Micah must be on the ninth cloud."

Declan sighed. "I think so. Didn't really talk to him after that. I will later. Right now, I'm just stuck with this new challenge we're facing. The plot only seems to thicken."

Josh scoffed. "Kind of you to call Callisto a new challenge. To me she sounds more like a death sentence. Our death sentence."

"Well she actually is. The prophecy talks about destruction. She is that", Declan said.

Josh hummed. "So...she's the problem while you're the solution?"

"Seems so", Declan nods. "Unfair match though huh? She obviously has the undue advantage. I cannot stand against her without crumbling into agony."

Josh agreed. "Yeah, she is powerful. But you have something she doesn't."

"And what might that be?"

"You have the entire mystic world on your side. All of its creatures. You have the phoenix and his children on your side. And...it's not much, but you have me", Josh shrugs, a small smile on his face.

Declan smiled, shaking his head.

"Trust me. She might be single handedly super powerful, but you've got the numbers. The elders, the council team, the high borns, the vampires, werewolves, witches, dragons", Josh places his hand over his heart repeating the last word. "I repeat...the dragons on your side."

Declan chuckled. Josh is still so impressed with dragons that he's a sworn fan now.

"It'll be one hell of a fight if it comes to that", Josh shrugged.

"And that's precisely what I hope we can avoid. It'd be just like a human war—plenty of casualties. I don't want that. So if we can sort this out—",

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