Chapter 49

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A loud screaming wakes me up, and I fumble about in the darkness to switch on the light. In my sleepy state I hear my mother and father attempting to quiet three inconsolable babies. I wander through to the kids' room in my pyjamas, rubbing my eyes. The harsh light of their room throws me and I squint, letting my eyes adjust. My father, looks flustered, trying to feed the girls while my mother, who isn't allowed to lift anything heavy for another three weeks so her stitches heal, is feeding my quiet brother. They're still all so small, even after a month and a bit. I pick up Mia, who is the biggest out of the girls and I hold her in my arms, cradling her back and forth while feeding her a bottle of formula, after a minute or so the crying subsides.

"Thank you." My father whispers. I nod my head and concentrate on Mia, who is almost asleep. Cherishing the last few minutes of holding my sister, and after ten minutes, I kiss her on the forehead and then lay her back down, tucking her up. I turn to my parents who have put my brother and sister down.

"Thank you so much." My mother whispers. I kiss her on the cheek and wish her goodnight, before going back to bed.


I work hard to open my eyes and then I look at my phone, it's 8am. Staggering half asleep to the bathroom, my eyes adjust to the light and I get dressed in to comfortable clothes. Making my way downstairs, I meet with Amelia in the kitchen, who is making coffee.

"Let me do that." I tell her, making sure she sits down. She's reluctant to do so, but I push for her to follow my instructions. I finish the coffee and make us both a cup, before sitting down across from her. My mother looks exhausted, so I plan my day to make sure that she does as little as possible. We both finish our coffee and as if almost on cue, a high pitched crying comes from the baby monitor sitting on the kitchen worktop.

"I'll go see what the situation is." I assure her, seeing that she stays sitting down. I walk upstairs and in to the kids' room, where Ivy is crying. I pick her up, and cradle her in my arms, although her tearful screaming does not subside, I lie her on the padded changing mat, and begin to change her, and as I do, the crying stops. Once I'm done, I keep her in my arms until she's peacefully sleeping again. I cradle her for ten minutes and then place her back down, leaving her to sleep.

As I walk back through, my mother greets me with an apologetic smile and I wrap my arms around her and kiss her on the cheek. "Don't worry." I tell her. I make sure Amelia does as little moving as possible until my father gets home, and he helps me look after the triplets while my mother rests. As the kids are settled, my dad and I start to make dinner, cooking chicken and pasta.

"Thanks for all your help the past few weeks." My father says, only briefly taking his eyes off of the sizzling pan.

"It's fine, I don't mind at all." I say back, refusing to take my eyes off the peppers I'm slicing. I pick them up and put them in to the pan, letting them sizzle away. Massaging soap in to my hands, I them off under the hot tap, Then start to lay the table, ready for dinner. A strong vibration goes through my pocket and I take out my phone, the caller ID tells me is Jacob. So I answer it.

"You alright?" I ask him.

"Having a party tonight, if you fancy it?" He asks straight away. I consider it for a moment, and then I remember that my parents might need my help.

"Nah, man." I say honestly. "I don't think I can." Before I can say anymore my father is in front of me, trying to signal something to me. "Two seconds." I tell Jacob, and i put my hand over the speaker. "What are you doing?" I ask my father, who looks confused.

"If he's asking you to go out, then go out." He instructs me.

"I don't want to. I'd rather stay in." I admit.

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