Twins b-day

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A month passes. We don't get that much of a punishment. In my opinion it should've been more. I wasn't going to let them know though. Dumbledore wanted to keep it tight-lipped so he allowed me to skip my weekly session with McGonagall. It was Fred and George's Birthday today. I planned a surprise party. I woke up and met them in the great hall. I had already cast a spell that made it so the entire school couldn't speak about their birthday to them until their party.

Not a single person wished them Happy Birthday and they were honestly feeling a bit down. Their family was huge and two of them went to the same school. Their mom hadn't even sent the usual Birthday letter.Their friends were acting like it was a normal day. They told people it was their birthday and they were just short of ignored.

It was around dinner time when Ash saw them moping around. She rushed up to them as soon as their other friends left.

"George! Fred! I am so sorry. I forgot all about your birthday. I don't even have a gift but I wanted to wish you happy birthday. Is there anything I can do to make it up? Maybe a prank?" I ask.

"'Spose it couldn't hurt," Fred smiles as I hold both of their hands.

"What have you got planned?" George says.

"I was hoping you had a project to test on someone," I say shyly.

"Looks like we have to do everything on our birthday," Fred chuckles.

"Fine. We have some painting poppy seeds. Plant it in someones food and any room they enter turns into their least favorite color," George explains.

"A cute harmless prank. Let's do Snape. After the little incident from before I don't particularly like him.

The twins and I make jokes and laugh as we enter Snapes classroom. I sprinkled the Poppy seeds on a muffin it looked like he was eating. I expected it to be more difficult but it was pretty straight forward. After the twins and I made our escape, we laughed and made our way to Gryffindor common room.

We step in and it's pitch black.

"What 1st year put out the fire place?" Fred asks.

Everything lights up, even the fire place. All of our friends from all the houses jump out from behind the couch and wish the twins a Happy Birthday.

"You..." George smiles.

"I'm sorry you had to go through all that on your birthday but, we didn't forget," I place two party hats on them.

I was beaming and so were the twins. George joins the party immediately and jokes around with all his friends. Fred pulls me aside.

"So you did this all for me huh," Fred winks.

"...and George...yeah."

"You were supposed to flirt back. Now it's awkward."

I raise a brow at him and get into character. I place a hand on his chest and start fiddling with the buttons of his uniform stepping closer.

"Yeah Freddie. I did it all for you love," I look up at him and stand on my tippy toes to whisper into his ear, "Do you like it?"

I graze my hand on the back of his neck and smirk as his ears turn red.

I pull away and look at a blushing and speechless Fred. I laugh at him, "You're supposed to flirt back Freddie. Now it's awkward."

I pull him back to the party and we dance and laugh with friends. Eventually we cut the cake that Ginny and a handful of other 2nd years made. It was a pretty big party so the twins got a lot more gifts than they usually would. It made me feel a little worried about if they would like my gift.

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