6 | One shot for Selena

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(Selena's POV)

The day passed and I got to see nothing but the frowning and whining of Alice about not having time. Katarina is quite like me, she hated what Alice kept on doing and we became close pretty quick, by making fun of Alice's unneeded panic of time but that's only details.

"You are quite the person, that's why my brother has fallen for you." Katarina says.

That was the unexpected of the night. I look at her in shock and Alice dropped all the things in her hand and joined with the same expression as me. We wait for Katarina to explain but she just laughs

"Kat." Alice says in a warning voice.

Katarina sighs and starts talking about how her brother had told her that I'm doing all kinda of things on his stomach and heart and how he likes when I smile or when I get mad. The fact that he has been in the house the whole week and I didn't knew about it creeps me out and worries me but what Katarina said and by her point of the view. . . its so sweet.

Then they turned at me, I denied the fact of feelings, I feel nothing for him and It will keep being this way. I have no intention of falling for my target. No-oh! Out of question!

Even though I could help myself and doll up a little. . . to look good. . . you know. . . maybe I don't share a feeling for him but he does and maybe this is my way of saying no but kindly. I need to look good when I reject him.


(Selena's POV)

The party was so loud, it is blasting my ears out and I can't talk to anyone in here. There were so many people and I could barely move. I have no idea how a criminal knows this many but I'm not fond of it.

Also, forget his feelings about me. That was a joke. He is with girls all around him and he is speaking so beautiful and smirking at them! His idiotic smirk and face are working because apparently all the females are around him, in a circle. Like he has anything to offer!

He took another sip of his tequila and then focused his eyes on me. He starts coming towards me and I panic. Suddenly I'm caring about how my hair looks like or if my make up is ruined. I stopped myself from that shitty love struck idea and kept my posture straight.

"You look very beautiful!" He yelled. I'm sure that is not the first time he has said it today.

"Thank you!" I smiled falsely.

He grabs my hand and pulls me with him. I were trying to pull my hand away and yell about where he is taking me but he can't hear me cause of the music or he acts like he can't hear me and I just gave up on trying to get myself away. This guy is hella strong.

After a while, all the music and festivities were like a distance place, like a neighbor party thing and I'm finally able to hear some peace and my ears can calm down. We are outside at the balcony and the view to the sea. . . is simply magnificent.

I got captured by the magnificent and unreal view that I totally forgot about the person behind me. The sea waves were calm and a beautiful music to my ears not like the one inside, the sky was filled with beautiful stars and the moon was shining so bright tonight.

"So. . ." I turn at him surprised.

"You are still here. . ." That came out bad.

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