28 | Melody of the truth

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(3rd pov, a little back on time)

She looked around this big place, the school she would attend. She felt so proud that with all the work she had put on to get her she finally was able to achieve her dream and attend Bocconi university. Since she was a little kid she loved speaking Italian, so it eventually became a big dream of her to attend such a prestigious school in Italy.

She took a deep breath before entering and stepped inside the only thing she had been dreaming since she was a kid. Holding tight into her bag and her jaw dropped by the surroundings of the school.

On the other way the girl who 'owned' the school wasn't like those you usually watch on movies, mean and bad. She was a good girl and she was friends with everyone, even the so called 'nerds.' She was an adorable girl, with beauty, brain and personality. Everyone admired and loved her.

The other good thing is that she had this feeling that she would make a very good friendship with the new girl. She had seen her in a picture and just by that she knew she wanted to be friends with her.

Just as those two awaited for one another, there came the real problem... which wouldn't affect them at all... at least at start.

The new girl bumped into a guy and they both fell down on the grass. Both apologizing and offering each other's hand to get up, the boy helped her get up and she smiled at him. I got to admit the boys in here are cute... she thought, that was also what was on his mind.

They introduced each other and headed down to principal's office while talking to each other. They were enjoying one another's company and they both were fresh new students.

She knocks on the principal's office and as they are allowed in by a sweet voice, a girl also jumps out of nowhere to surprise the new girl yet she is the one in shock when she meets eyes with that beautiful guy behind her.

"Hi..." The girl talks.

"H-hi!" The other one shakes her head and extends her hand to meet them.

The girl shakes her hand yet the guy just bows quietly and follows behind the other one to give their last paper work and get their schedules and everything they need by the principal.

As they do that principal's daughter grabs the new girl and takes her to show around just before that though her mother stops her.

"Wait. Who is gone help the boy out?" She asks her daughter.

"I would... but I am occupied." The girl teased.

The woman sighed and allowed the girls to leave by themselves. The two new kids sharing one last look before disappearing from each other's eyesight. The boy turned at the principal and she smiled.

"Her name is Zamira Calebs." The principal introduced.

"I know!" The guy exclaimed.

"Ma'am..." He added.

"The other girl is... my daughter Rachel Hernandez." She continued.

"I know that too, ma'am!" He responded.

"I see you are informed but you are not telling me your name?" The woman questioned.

"My name is..." He trailed off.

The woman raised her brows waiting for the boy to speak and leaned against the table to hear his name better. He gulped down his anxiety and took a deep grasp of oxygen before speaking.

"Johnny Alk." He answered.


(3rd pov, back on our time yet in New York)

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