55 | Mentecatto

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(Selena's POV)

Before entering that office it took me by surprise how deadly quiet it always has been. Its like he never does anything in there, like he isn't there at all. Considering all that work he has mentioned he has, I am confused as to why no one except from him have been inside this office. so much work, all by himself and not coming out at all. . . yeah well. . . I find that hard to believe.

With a huge sigh I knock and I hear his faint voice allow me to enter before I do so. Upon laying my eyes on me its like he wishes he hadn't allowed me to enter. I do not let that cloud my head though. I smile and take a sit on the table he works. He doesn't say anything, awaiting for me to do so and he has every right since I'm the one who came to him. "So-"

"We have a guy. We are holding him capture." He says. "We paid our hands on him just yesterday and he hasn't talked. He refuses to do so till he sees you."

I raise a brow. "I need more details."

"His name is Mentecatto and he has been working for my mother, for eleven years he said he knows you and that everything he has done he has done it for you and that he-"

"Wishes for another chance?" I spit the words out.

He nods. "You know this guy?"

Everything in me turns into hatred. It's like he is right in front of me and I wanna reach forward to land both my fists at his face at least a hundred times, probably till he begs me not to do so anymore. I furrow my brows together in anger and grit my mouth to a point I hear my teeth snap together. A tightness in my chest and a blood filling my nails as I dig into my own skin. "Yes, he is my ex." I respond.

That's where he changes his way of expression too. "By the way you are reacting. . ." His eyes fall down at my hands. "I have a bigger reason to murder him now."


The hallways we followed were filled with darkness. The candles around here barely offered enough light for us to walk. Although he didn't look like he needed it, he seems to know this hallways out and about. The previous house we stayed in is nothing compared to this one. As the days pass I'm seeing even more that I never thought in my life. And today is a very clear dark example of that. A dark example of him.

He stops right in front of a wooden door, turns at me and asks me with his eyes whether I am ready or not. Despite my nod what I see next isn't exactly something I was ready for. There is bleeding person on the ground, his hands chained behind his back, linked with chains to the wall. His upper body is filled with wounds while his feet have turned black from what I'm guessing is. . . burning. I clear my head and keep myself from running away from this place. A crazy though runs into my head, that instead of him. . . that may have been me. This. . . This might have happened to me as well.

He is breathing painfully and as he locks his eyes with me tears started falling from his eyes. "Selio!" He calls me. "It is true. . ." He breathed out. "You are here. . ." Than another breath out of sadness. "With him." Angriness.

I exhale.

Leonardo nods towards his men for them to walk away and give us some space and I turn to him. "You should too."

He shakes his head. "That guy is dangerous."

"He won't harm me." I whisper back.

"I don't trust him. You don't know him." He responds with a clear voice so that he can hear.

"I do." That's also the reason we broke up, I wish to say but. . . the words don't come out of my mouth. "I'm a cop, Leo, do you think I wouldn't recognize a criminal?"

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