46 | Dizzy with feelings

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Everything that happened, she regretted it. She felt her world spin around and no one could help her, the test she was holding in her hands made her lose her head. She tried to shake off the feeling and the thoughts of having to explain all that to her yet she felt even worse. She closed her eyes and sighed several times, spinning around the room, wondering about what she shall do. She is only eighteen, school isn't over for her yet and this will only make things worse. She has a friend, one she loves a lot and unfortunately that friend loves a guy. . . a guy who's child she is carrying. She felt sick of herself. Sick of the situation. Sick of that night at that party that she got drunk and her feelings took over her head completely. Nothing could she do to make this whole situation vanish, from her memory, from existence. She couldn't go back in time. She couldn't do any magic tricks.

She sat back down on the bed and let her thoughts go back to analyze what happened. . . to think again of what shit she did. . .

Her thoughts started with her in the bathroom, throwing up all over the place after drinking a whole bottle. She wasn't a heavy drinker therefore the bottle beat her psychically a lot and she vomited all over the toilet, her head spinned around and her legs were barely keeping themselves stable. Her friend had asked her if she needed help yet she had declined that help and went on by herself, now there she was. . . throwing up a river. A minute later someone came inside the bathroom and of course her heart started beating at the memory.

"Are you feeling better?" He asked her.

"John!" She gasped.

He chuckled. "Why are always so shocked whenever you see me?"

"I'm not!" Her cheeks turned red. "It's just that you sneak around like that and scare me!"

"I'm sorry." He run a hand through his hair.

The feeling of guilt taking over her again. "No, it's alright. All good. Please don't feel bad, I was just joking."

"You were joking about getting scared?" He raised a brow, grimacing at her.

"No! I mean yes! No! Just let it go!" She sighed in frustration.

"Are feeling better? Rachel told me that you wanted some time alone and I guessed you'd be here after all that bottle." He laughed again. That smile. The one that she has been seeing in her dreams for the last two years.

"Yes, I went a little overboard." She snickered nervously.

"Why?" His tone changed.

He entered the toilet she stood on and sat beside her. She pulled away a little. Yet he didn't move an inch away, he stood close to her, brushing a strand of hair off her face. Her heart started beating fast and her thoughts became even blurry than with the alcohol. She is already bad enough with everything she gulped down her throat, him acting like this will undo all the walls she has built up for herself.

"I just felt like it. You guys don't drink with a reason on every party Rachel makes. So why should I?" She brushed the feeling away, cooling herself off.

"Who told you we drink with no reasons? Dylan just broke up with his girlfriend!" He protested.

"With the girlfriend he'll get back again tomorrow? With Reyla that has plans to marry that guy yet she keeps her walls still up and yet again accepts him every time?" She furrowed her brows.

"Fair enough." He laughed.

"So. . . why do you drink for?" That escaped her lips.

"I asked first." He responded.

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