42 | Close to death

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(Selena's POV)

I cross my arms over my chest as he hangs up to Alessandro. Than he turns at me. "Don't you think you owe me an explanation?" Cause thieves they surely are not.

"I told you, they-"

"Rachel's robots? Who is Rachel? Why are you putting your father into this?" I spilled out.

"How do you know about my father?" Probably too much.

"Heard of him in the news." That should cover me.

He walks closer, half his face covered in the shadows and the other half under the moonlight entering from the small window inside this room which will suffocate us both if we don't find a way out without those. . . whatever they are find us here.

The worst thing is that while we are here, they'll probably get into us any minute now and hurt us in ways I don't want to imagine, I'm thinking about the green eyes of this man in front of me, about his soft lips which are closed well and perfectly fit over his face, about his soft yet sharp edges, the way those sleeves are buttoned up on his elbows and his veins are showing through his hands. Or that even in such an hour, he should be a mess and smell worst than a raccoon yet he does better than any other person I have ever met.

Even the way his runs his hand through his hair is something I like. I know why and I know I shouldn't but this may be my last moment in life and I don't want to waste it in lies. Do I?. . . What if I don't die though?. . . How will I face everyone after this?. . . It's too risky yet the adrenaline in me is too rushy and I'm too high into it so that I cannot think straight even about the disgust I showed about him a minute ago. I wonder what he thinks of me, what he believes of me, of ours moments together, of everything we have done and all that. . .

Which now I am realizing because apparently I have been blinder than a bug. Why am I just realizing? Everything is so confusing but his lips aren't. . . My head is tempting me. . . my heart is shouting for me to push my legs forward and wrap my arms around him but I should not. It's not right. Yet. . . what if I really die here today?. . . I don't wanna leave this world with regrets.

No. I'd still leave this world with regrets and even more if I did something with the murderer of my father. I should not forget that no matter how handsome and swaying he is. He is Leonardo Hernandez above all and I have no intention of falling into my worst enemies arms. Not even-

"Come closer." He whispered.

"W-what. . . ?. . . W-why?. . ." I stutter.

ʺThis place is small and we need as much space as we can get in case we need to move backwards because of. . ." Them invading and finding this room he wants to say yet doesn't do so.

Nonetheless I wrap my arms around him and pull him closer to me. I feel a great shock inside of me but I control myself by holding good into him. "It's better that you are the one closer to me cause there is more space here." He wraps an arm around me and nods. We stand like that for good minutes and the footsteps come even closer.

He glances at me, his eyes probably shaking from the fear-the darkness doesn't help to make that out much. The shaking on my side doesn't stop and the endless anxiety that they may enter this room and end us both keeps on increasing. I doubt we'll get out of here alive and even if we do I feel like this talk needs to be made now. "We need to explain some things." Whether he kills me or not, I will say it.

He glances at my direction, the confusion arousing in his face while his jaw stayed tightened as he kept his head over the outside of this small room. I have been hiding for too long and I feel like he already knows. It's a feeling in my chest but maybe he does and he likes me. Maybe. . . he won't. . .

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