8 | Agreed

35 5 2

(Selene's pov)

"Since we were at the party together, they got the wrong idea and thought we two liked each other." One of us maybe.

I'm sitting here and listening to his explanation about this beautiful situation we are in. Which leads me to the fact that I was right about boys, girls stuff. People always get the wrong idea especially with famous people.

"Since there is no other way out, we thought that we two could act as an 'in love' couple in front of everyone and behind you... can do whatever you want." Is he really saying that I can have another relationship but in secret?!

"I almost died into that party?! Where were we together?!" I raise my voice slightly. It frustrates me they think that way when I almost lost my life in there.

Also its getting on my nerves how they think its better to ruin my life so that they can live theirs. Its always like this with rich people! Utterly disgusting and unreasonable! They have no brain when it comes to saving their own ass!

"You'll get paid more." He says.

"Do I look like I care about money at this moment, sir?" I will punch him, I take a deep breath and shove that thought away.

"Do you?" He replies.

"N-..." Wait. This may be my only opportunity to get information out of him. To gather them and throw him in jail, if we get closer... that means I can get access to his things easily and be done with this job faster.

But that means... shattering my ego right now and acting like a fool who's on sole goal in life is money, which is mine too but not in that way. I can't! What if... he laughs at me? I've been so tough the last days that letting go right now... ugh!

I swallow down my saliva and stare at him, damn straight before answering. He isn't bothered at all by my state right now and he simply sits there, looking at me as well. His eyes moving around in a triangle, towards my left eye, my lips and my right eye. I bit my lip and inhale one last time.

"F-fine. I'll... I'll... I'll do it." I mutter.

My cheeks start reddening and I try not to vanish from the whole world right now. I wait for his response and take low breaths to keep myself from panicking. He smirks and throws a pen on top of the document.

I furrow my brows and he points at the end of the file, it needed my signature. I grab the pen to sign it but I stop myself at the last minute, I look back at him.

"I need to set my rules on this." I say.

"Fair enough." He replies.

"1. In no way should we get close or have any body attachment with each other if not needed, 2. In no way should you kiss me or have sex with me or anything like that... 3. When I say no, I mean just that." I say.

He crackles a chuckle and I look at him weirdly.

"Don't worry I had no intention to do that with you tesoro." He smiles at me and flashes his beautiful dark green eyes at me.

"And don't call me nicknames!" I add.

"That... I'm afraid I won't follow love." He responds.


(Selena's pov)

"There is no way!" It can't be happening!!

People have started moving my clothes and stuff to Leonardo's room, saying that now that we are together it only makes sense we stay at the same room. I tried to fight back and find a reason not to but I remembered his words on my head... no one outside this room will know our relationship is fake. Not even Alice. Since I signed that paper I can't go back now.

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